AOTW: Little Moon – Dear Divine
SOTW: “Dirty John Type” – Jade The Moon
Upcoming: Ladies Night @ FAC
On This Day: March 10
Jon Anderson (YES) Interview (TVC)
March 20th, 2023 by The Professor
Our man on the volcano, Daniel Jones got the chance to sit down with not 1, but 2 members of one of the foundational bands of progressive rock: YES. Last week it was keyboardist Rick Wakeman and this week singer Jon Anderson.
It turns out Jon has a vast love of Hawaii as a spiritual retreat and he and Daniel found a ton of overlapping literature and music. We get to hear a lot of fun stories and learn more about new projects Jon has going, along with his tour. In case you don’t know Daniel hosts the weekly deep dive into classic rock, blues and more on The Volcano Chronicles, Wednesday nights 7-9pm Eastern and Hawaii times.
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AOTW: Yo La Tengo – “This Stupid World”
March 13th, 2023 by Liz Kosik
by Ameila Dunat ’25
Yo La Tengo – “This Stupid World”
Release: February 10, 2023
Rated: 8/10
RIYL: Pavement, Guided By Voices, Built to Spill, The Flaming Lips, Wilco, LCD Soundsystem
On February 10, 2023, Yo La Tengo released their seventeenth studio album (wow…), “This Stupid World.” Yo La Tengo is an American indie-rock formed in 1984, in Hoboken, New Jersey. Since 1992, the band members have included Ira Kaplan, Georgia Hubley, and James McNew. Although only 9 songs long, this self-produced album is the group’s first full-length album release in a few years. After listening, I found it to be perfectly mellow, consistent with their typical sound, and particularly reminiscent of their releases from the 1990s.
“Fallout” was undoubtedly my favorite song from the album- it was both catchy and lively. “Aselestine”, sung by drummer Georgia Hubley, was a close second, as it was a peaceful acoustic tune. “Brain Capers” had a fun beat, despite the distorted lyrics, and “Miles Away” only had a few lines of lyrics, but the melody itself was hypnotic and magical. “My Bloody Valentine”, “The Kinks”, and “The Velvet Underground” are some of Yo La Tengo’s principal influences and I think this album is a consistent combination of those sounds. Sweet-sounding melodies and smooth basslines join together with noisy fuzzy guitar sounds and thoughtful lyrics. If you enjoyed this album, I recommend the songs, “Nowhere Near” and “Green Arrow” from their preview albums.
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DJ Spotlight: The Mint Show
March 13th, 2023 by Liz Kosik
Show Name: The Mint Show
DJ:Liz Ottenritter ’25
When: Thursdays 4-5pm
Q: Tell us about your show
A: The Mint Show is a mix of mostly Indie Rock/Pop and Alternative
Q: What made you want to host a show?
A: I love sharing music, it’s one of my favorite things to do. I have always wanted to talk about the music I like with a larger audience.
Q: What is your favorite part of hosting a radio show at WLOY?
A: My favorite part about hosting a show is being able to create something that I am proud of and sharing it with my family and friends. Read the rest of this entry »
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Rick Wakeman (YES) Interview (TVC)
March 12th, 2023 by The Professor
Our man on the volcano, Daniel Jones gets the chance to sit down with not 1, but 2 members of one of the foundational bands of progressive rock: YES!
This week it’s keyboardist Rick Wakeman CBE and stay tuned for next week with lead singer Jon Anderson. Quite the amazing back-to-back conversations! Rick talks to Daniel about the upcoming tour, roots of his musical education, family and why he dropped out of the Royal College. Imagine being given the choice to work with David Bowie and YES on the same day! Or encountering Salvador Dali on your stage. Check this out and don’t miss next week with Jon Anderson!
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WLOY is Turning 20!
March 8th, 2023 by The Professor
Yes, it really has been 20 years since WLOY went on the air 24/7/365, and yes, John feels old. But you can join us in celebration on Saturday March 18th all day! From noon until 4pm we will have an open house in the WLOY studios in Bellarmine Hall and welcome alumni back to jump on the air and meet current DJs and staff. From 6-7pm a private event in McGuire for the alumni and staff with music from alums Maria Dontas and Taylor DeBoer and then we open the doors to all from 7-9pm. Music from local greats Skribe and Saleem & The Music Lovers (Saleem also hosts Hip-Hop Revisited on WLOY Saturdays 2-4pm). Join us for some fun memories, and great local live music like we’ve been highlight for 20 years.
A limited number of our very Baltimore orange and purple t-shirts will be available as well as a new batch of WLOY coffee mugs and our NEW WLOY COFFEE, roasted and blended by the amazing local folks at Thread Coffee in the Woodberry neighborhood.
If you are part of the pre-WLOY era of WVLC/WLCR 1975-1995 please feel free to join us as well! Also check out the updated list of vintage staff photos and look for you and your friends!
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Sign Up For Battle of the Bands & Songwriter Skirmish
March 8th, 2023 by The Professor
Do you want to perform at Loyolapalooza? Here is your chance! Enter to compete in the Battle of the Bands, or the Songwriter Skirmish. Songwriter Skirmish is open to solo or duo acts (rappers, songwriters, duos, and mixers), while Battle of the Bands is for bands of 3 or more- perfect for any and all groups that would like to enter! Read the rest of this entry »
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Vinylthon 2023 – April 22 & 23
March 7th, 2023 by The Professor
It’s that time of year again when WLOY celebrates Record Store Day with nothing but vinyl for 24 hours in a row. But this year we are upping the madness and going for a full 48 hours of nothing but vinyl shows on the air! Join us, some crazy alumni, and a lot of local record shops as we celebrate the beauty of vinyl (and maybe some shellac) records all weekend. As a bonus it’s also Alumni Weekend at Loyola so you can expect a lot of people spinning records and making unforced errors as they try to restore their DJ muscle memories 😉
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DJ Spotlight: The Starry Night Show
February 23rd, 2023 by Liz Kosik
Show name: The Starry Night Show
DJs: Sophie LaBella and Nez Blaho
When: Saturdays 8-9pm
Q: Tell us a bit about your show
A: The Starry Night Show. The theme is pretty much just music we both really enjoy! We have super similar music tastes (91% match on Spotify) and want to share some of our favorite songs with everyone. We also have a section towards the end of our set where we both throw it back/slow it down with more relaxing, “oldie” style music that everyone remembers. Both Nez and I love art (Nez is a theatre major and I am a studio art minor) so our show reflects our love of art through our name with Van Gogh. 🙂 Read the rest of this entry »
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AOTW: Paramore – “This Is Why”
February 22nd, 2023 by Liz Kosik
by Analia Cortez ’25
Release: February 2022
Rated: 9/10
RIYL: Tonight Alive, PVRIS, Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, Boys Like Girls, The All-American Rejects, You Me At Six
After five and a half year wait, this alternative-indie band has released their seventh album! The writing of this album took place during the quarantine lockdown period that affected the whole globe. After such an experience, Paramore wanted to write those feelings and moments into an album to let their audience know they are not alone. The issues they use to theme their album heavily revolve around mental health issues caused due to the effects of Covid-19 left on the lives of many. Self-reflection is such a prominent key in the assembling of the album. Read the rest of this entry »
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DJ Spotlight: Coffee Break
February 15th, 2023 by Liz Kosik
Show name: Coffee Break
DJs: Charlie Wahlberg and Caitlin Cavanaugh ’24
When: Tuesdays Noon-1pm
Q: Tell us a little bit about your show
A: Coffee Break. I host the show with Caitlin Cavanaugh, each week we try a coffee shop in the Baltimore area and review it for the show. We like to play some of our current favorite music, which is a mix of R&B, and indie music. Some of our favorite artists are SZA, Tame Impala, and Noah Kahan. We also discuss pop culture, some of our personal experiences as college students at Loyola, etc. Read the rest of this entry »
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