Grace Potter & The Nocturnals Interview

January 11th, 2012 by The Professor

Interviewed by Eric Sappington ’10 twice because he couldn’t get enough of her.

The first time during which she confesses a desire to spoon with Rick Danko. The kind of details only Hans could bring out.

The second interview by phone during which she tries to explain the feeling of being on stage and licking Iggy Pop.

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Museum Monday: Classes at the Walters

January 2nd, 2012 by The Professor

Come to the Walters Art Museum this week where you can work in a drawing studio of art at your disposal. Imagine spending hours among great works creating your own masterpieces. Popular local artist and teacher Leslie Shellow will lead drawing lessons for intermediate to advanced level students in specific galleries. Learn more about the Walters’ vast collections while honing your drawing skills. 

Drawing classes take place every Sunday for one month from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
 Classes are the second in a series of three, the first one being Beginning Drawing and the last Ink Gestures. Price for members $75 and non-members is $150.
 This price is for all four drawing lessons.

To register for the classes, please contact

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Both Feet In – Lohr’s Restaurant

November 28th, 2011 by The Professor

One day while out with his family, WLOY’s Operations Manager stopped at a little restaurant to grab lunch. It looked like a nice family-style diner and good for everyone. While perusing the menu, and the newspaper clippings on the wall, he learned that the owner of Lohr’s Family Restaurant was formerly homeless and had moved from being an employee to the owner after being given a chance to start over. Instant Both Feet In story, just add dumb luck that we stumbled on it! Here it is, in 2 parts, the story of David Jones, his struggles and success.

Lohr’s Part 1 [audio:BFI_Lohrs_Pt1.mp3]Download

Lohr’s Part 2 [audio:BFI_Lohrs_Pt2.mp3]Download

Want to visit? Here’s the website


“…and that’s why he’s always constantly telling his story. He has it on our menu, that it’s, this is our story, you know? At first I was like don’t tell everybody that, you know that’s embarassing. Don’t don’t say that! And then, but then I realized well you know what? he’s right. (1:03:40)Everyone needs to know…”

— Rayann, on why her husband, David, has his story on the menu cover

“On Christmas Day, from 11-2, this will be our 9th one I believe? we open our restaurant up, and first it was for homeless and desolate people, that didn’t have a place to go for Christmas day to eat. And now its opened up for anybody its come one come all, and we serve a free turkey dinner with all the trimmings, and uh, you know that’s just a way that I give back to the community.”

— David Jones Sr. on Lohr’s Restaurant every year on Christmas Day

David’s persective on drug and alcohol addiction:

Sylvia: And so during this whole time,…teen yrs of getting involved in drugs… were you thinking that I know this is bad for me but I just can’t help it or….what were your thoughts during these periods?

David: Basically my thoughts are these people think that since I had money to do this, it was a good way to inherit friends. Because now, I don’t really, at that pt in time, and even now days you know really I dont consider myself having that many friends. …Rayann is my wife she’s also my best friend. you know my son is my son he’s also I consider him a friend…but if I have five friends in my life, that’s alot.

Sylvia: What was it about this time, that you were able to, stay clean and not go back?

David: Cuz I don’t want that life anymore. (pause) I’m 55 yrs old, I , you know, I’m in very good health, I don’t have any problems, and I just, I don’t want that life anymore. I don’t know if I could stand to go.. I don’t want to test the water perse and find out what’s gonna happen. It’s not gonna do me any good, it’s not gonna do anybody else any good.

Sylvia: Do you feel that you have to hit rock bottom before you can pull yourself out?

David: Yes, yes. It don’t do any good, until you are at the very bottom of your game, until you lost everything, and you don’t have anywhere else to go or any any other solution to your problems, then you’re gonna, then you’re gonna be sincere in what you’re doing.

“You know you just, every person’s different. Some people can drink and drug everyday. or you know, the weekend warriors or whatever you want to call em. But sooner or later it’s going to catch up with you, if you do it on a regular basis all the time. You know everybody’s different, their biological and chemical makeup of their body is different. You know you just, you just have to, sooner or later, you can see if you have a problem by the way if affects you and your and your life and your surroundings with other people and things of that nature. And I think 95% of the time you do it on a regular basis it’s gonna do that, and that you know, it’s up to you about how far, how far you want to progress before you do something about it.”

“I think you can basically say when you’re when you’re out there and you’re drinkin and you’re druggin and you hit your bottom and you’re in the process of going to where your, hitting your bottom… you know you sit there and say God, why me, why this happening to me? It’s not that you’re doing it to yourself, you know, I think God gives you two paths to do anything. And there’s a rt, there’s a path that you follow his way and it’s not necessarily bumpless, and there’s a path you follow your own way and you get to the, both of them will lead you to the same point its just how fast you get there.”

“I mean Relationships you have to take it on a day to day basis, just like alcoholism. Not saying one goes with the other but, you know, you just, you have to , you don’t know how you’re going to feel when you wake up in the morning, you know, and if the dog peed on the floor, and you and you step in it you’re going to be pissed off if somebody said something to you, you’re gonna you’re gonna answer in a way that you normally wouldn’t. And so it just it’s just an ongoing situation where you have to try.”
— David on relationships

“What home means to me. Well, it being steady and its constant, you can depend on the people that are around you, you feel good when you’re around, you know like the people that you, feel like, I mean home could be with anyone. Like, I, there’s certain people that when I’m around them, I feel at home, you know, not necessarily a building, a structure, um, but yeah…”
— Rayann on “Home”

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Ana Popovic Interview

November 14th, 2011 by The Professor

Blistering blues, intricate jazz and creative world melodies all blend inside Ana Popovic’s guitars. Raised in Serbia on blues records her father imported, Ana studied music at a conservatory and has come out with a unique style that is typically classified as “Blues” but crosses lines into Pop and Jazz with ease. She’s a favorite of Coach B and The Professor and we grab interviews whenever she comes to town. The first time in 2006 at the Frederick Blues Festival when she blew everyone away with her set, the second at Rams Head On Stage in Annapolis in 2008 and again at Rams Head in 2011.

Interviewed by Coach B and The Professor.


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Device Interview

October 15th, 2011 by The Professor

Interviewed by Brittany Sigler ’10.


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Funkharp Interviews

October 11th, 2011 by The Professor

Funkharp has made a couple of pilgrimages to the WLOY studios for interviews. First in 2008 when Rich Rodrigues ’10 interviewed Joseph and again in 2011 when Mike Vuoto ’11 was behind the mike (hah) for the whole band, strangely enough both times in April.

Funkharp 2008 with live performance

Funkharp 2011 including world radio debut of their EP

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First Aid Kit Interview

September 6th, 2011 by WLOY Staff

On September 5th, 2011, WLOY staff members Amanda Nolan and Katherine Marshall were able to interview First Aid Kit before they opened for Bright Eyes at Rams Head Live! Listen to the interview below!


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English Beat (Dave Wakeling) Interview

August 11th, 2011 by The Professor

Dave Wakeling from the English Beat, interviewed by Karyn Oliver.


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Wacky Wednesday: Artscape

June 29th, 2011 by WLOY Staff

3 days. 350,000 attendees. 30 sponsors. Over 300 volunteers. 12 city blocks. 173 exhibitors. 4,000,000 square feet of exhibit space. $0 admission fee. This is Artscape 2011.

An annual event since 1982, Artscape is America’s largest free arts festival, and it’s happening on July 15 through July 17. Artscape features over 150 artists, fashion designers, and craftspeople as well as outdoor sculptures, photography, incredible live concerts on huge outdoor stages, and appearances by the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. Full scheduling for the events occurring on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday can be found on the event’s website. Read the rest of this entry »

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Tourism Tuesday: The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House

June 28th, 2011 by WLOY Staff

Step back in time as you walk through the doors of the house where our country’s Star-Spangled Banner was sewn. Experience first-hand what it was like to live in the 19th century by touring Mary Pickersgill’s residence and place of business.

Although any day is perfect for a historical adventure, if you choose to tour the house on a Saturday you will be joined by living history interpreters, including Mary Pickersgill and her African American apprentice, Grace Wisher. So head on over to this National landmark for an entertaining and educational afternoon without putting a dent in your wallet.
Read the rest of this entry »

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