Theater Thursdays: The Book of Mormon

February 13th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

1.152034What: The Book of Mormon

Where: The Hippodrome

When: February 25th to March 9th

Been dying to see the Book of Mormon? It’s now in Baltimore!  This new musical from the creators of South Park and Avenue Q is called “The best musical of this Century” by the New York Times. A must see!

Buy your tickets now before they sell out! Visit the website here.

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Wacky Wednesday: Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race

February 12th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

Howa0049EekWaterWhat: Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race 

Where: American Visionary Art Museum 

When: Saturday May 3rd, 2014

Kinetic Sculptures are amphibious, human powered works of art custom built for the race. Each May, the American Visionary Art Museum (AVAM) hosts the East Coast Kinetic Sculpture Race Championship on the shore of Baltimore’s Harbor in central Maryland.  The eight-hour race covers 14 miles—mostly on pavement, but also including a trip into the Chesapeake Bay and through mud and sand.

You can go to a Kinetic Sculpture Race on the day(s) they run, or the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. AVAM displays Fifi and their other sculptures year round, plus the winner of the Art award.

For more information to enter the contest visit the website here!

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Tourism Tuesdays: America’s First Cathedral

February 11th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

basilica-extWhat: America’s First Cathedral 

Where: The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Welcome to America’s First Cathedral, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Baltimore, Maryland. In addition to our rank as a Minor Basilica, the church is also a National Shrine, Marian Shrine, National Historic Landmark, and Co-Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and we welcome all to visit and worship in what Pope John Paul II referred to as “the worldwide symbol of religious freedom.”

For more information visit their website here!

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Museum Mondays: Black History Month Open House

February 10th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

2014.02.01 Griotfestival-feb 333pxBlack History Month Open House

Where: Reginald F. Lewis Museum

When: Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

Save the date for this free open house in honor of Black History Month! Food, fun, and door prizes along with a special program at noon.

For more information visit their website here.


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WLOY Valentines Bash feat. Maria Dontas

February 7th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

DSC_0135THATS RIGHT! SHE’S BACK!! This coming Thursday, Feb. 13th, the lovely Maria Dontas will be enchanting the 3rd Floor Reading room for a special singer-songwriter event. Maria is a brilliant musician and lyricist, with a set of pipes that will could quite possibly blow your tympanic  membranes, yes . . . both of them, at the same time. It is no coincidence that this heart-melter will be leading WLOY’s Valentines Day spectacular. On such an occasion, we will be going beyond our standard ticket raffle, rather hooking you up a lifetimes supply of sweet hearts!!!! Hooray!

But no, as much as you might crave sweetened chalk, WLOY will be raffling our Valentines Day bundle which includes $25 dinner coupon for Ryan’s Daughter at Belvedere Square, two free movie tickets at the Senator Theater, and free transportation by Uber taxi service. An amazing performance and potentially free dinner date for two? You would be a silly goose not to come. Show starts 9PM sharp!

Never had an angelic experience? Check Maria out here

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RadioEdu Second Semester Week 3: Part 2

February 7th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

Concepts: Project Planning for Music Production, Utilizing Grids as Guides

This week J and I also discussed some tips for more efficiently producing music and soundbeds. Thus far, J has done an excellent job creating his music tracks by exploring and experimenting, but I wanted to offer some compositional and organizational tips that he could utilize in his productions.

When we first began working with loop based production, the students developed their own method for tracking timing and placement of audio. Their natural technique was to utilize the ruler style time grid, and mark their start/stop points through its relative position on the grid. Included are some examples of their newer compositions using these newly introduced guidelines.

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RadioEdu Second Semester Week 3: Part 1

February 7th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

Concepts: Project Planning and Production Preparation

Hi everyone! We had another short week due to snow cancellations, but J was able to accomplish a lot in a small amount of time. In fact, we did so much this week that I’m choosing to split the update into two parts!

J and I discussed a possible project that he and M and would be producing, an audio chronicle of Black History Month poems/stories/biographies done by classmates. Since the project is in the design phase, I took the opportunity to work with J on planning and development skills. We talked about what steps a producer for such a project would need to take, and J came up with these points, among others:

  • Ensure that all students involved are prepared and know what they will be recording prior to a practice session.
  • Once practicing, check the input levels for the mics, and encourage all students to talk at a consistent volume.
  • Plan out a time limit/frame for each student, so the producer has an idea how long the project would be.
  • Consider having the students record according to their height, i.e. students with similar height record in sequence so to minimize mic adjustments
  • Plan for any music or extra production that would need to be included, such as an introduction
  • Understand who the audience of the piece would be

After a preliminary discussion of these questions, I decided to do an impromptu interview session with J, asking him to elaborate and follow up on his answers and planning process. This proved to be a great exercise, as he was really able to talk about his methods and approach to projects, honing in on the importance of this stage for the success of projects. His ability to answer and provide justification for his choices and method demonstrated a growing maturity and comfort with the production process.

The interview will be included as an audio file once edited and uploaded.

[insert Justice Producer Interview]

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Food Fridays: Papermoon Diner

February 7th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

PaperMoonDetailWhat: Papermoon Diner

Where: 227 West 29th Street Baltimore, MD 21211

The Papermoon Diner offers an eccentric, eclectic, technicolor dining experience that might be best described as “comfort food meets Baltimore with a twist.” They’re vegetarian and raging-carnivore friendly, with a jam-packed menu featuring everything from meat loaf to crab quesadillas, from vegan nachos to peanut butter and jelly French toast, from homemade chili to shrimp and grits—and so much more.

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What Is The WLOY Staff Listening To?

February 6th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

inside-llewyn-davis-original-soundtrack-338-300Joe Lomuti – Inside Llewyn Davis OST – Oscar Isaac – [itunes link=”″ title=”Itunes”]

It is definitely hard to see through the biases associated with movie sound track albums. Why spend money on a collection of juxtaposed songs that seem but lost independent of their movie origin? However, with the release of the new Coen Brothers film Inside Lleywn Davis, my perceptions have been swayed. Based in NYC circa 1960, the film follows the character of Lleywn Davis–a vagabond folk musician surfing couches of the East Village struggling to demonstrate his talent and find his place in life. The film’s soundtrack was created like any other studio album and more so. Tracks include appearances by Mumford & and Sons, JT, and The Punch Brothers, all lead by notable music producer and composer T-Bone Burnett. However, don’t let all these big names shadow Oscar Isaac, the lead actor and recording musician for multiple tracks including one of my favorites “Hang me, Oh Hang me”. If you enjoy folk music, or just good art in general, both the sound track and film are definitely worth checking out.
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Top 20 Tracks 2.2.14

February 6th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

b3b2ca91Our Top 20 this week remains similar to the last, with Broken Bells still sitting atop the chart, after releasing After The Disco, their second studio album, earlier this week. New additions to the list include tracks by Waxahatchee, The Jezabels, and Death Vessel. Check in every week for an updated list of our favorite tracks at WLOY.
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