Posts Tagged ‘local music’

Honfest 2019

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019 by WLOY Staff

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Loyola has finished the semester, the weather is getting warmer , and you know what that means – Honfest is coming! Grab your hairspray, throw on your feather boa, and practice your best Bawlmerese accent to get ready. Honfest 2019 will take place Saturday June 8th, and Sunday June 9th, 2019.

WLOY Loyola Radio is excited to be hosting the WLOY Loyola Radio Stage again this year, and will be there all weekend! We are proud to host the stage and are bringing a great lineup stacked full of local and some of the station’s favorite artists and bands. The WLOY stage will be located on 36th street at the Chestnut street intersection (right across from The Charmery).

This is quite possibly our most diverse lineup yet, so there is something for everyone. We are so excited for this year’s line up, and we hope you are too! See you there!

WLOY Stage 2019 Lineup

Saturday June 8th

11:00 – 12:00pm Janice B

12:00 – 01:00pm Modern Nomad

01:00 – 02:00pm Quinton Randall

02:00 – 03:00pm Matt Hutchison

03:00 – 04:00pm The Great Heights Band

04:00 – 05:00pm The Holy Circle

05:00 – 06:00pm Eze Jackson

06:00 – 07:00pm DJ Paul Random

07:00 – 08:00pm Funsho

Sunday June 9th

12:00 – 01:00pm BATMAN

01:00 – 02:00pm Red Sammy

02:00 – 03:00pm Little Lungs

03:00 – 04:00pm Old Eastern

04:00 – 05:00pm Pocket Bells

05:00 – 06:00pm Nalani & Sarina

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Mark Hopkins at WLOY Coffeehouse 9/6

Saturday, September 1st, 2018 by WLOY Staff

Post by Lindsey Zapata

I am pleased to announce that Mark Hopkins will be returning to campus to perform for our first Thursday night Coffeehouse at Starbucks! Mark is a singer, songwriter, and guitarist, and though he sometime will appear with the rest of his band, Mark Hopkins & the Pretty War, we will be having him as a solo artist this week. Influenced by some of the greats, such as, Paul McCartney and Jimi Hendrix. Hopkins specializes in rock, pop and soul. As stated by him, one of his biggest interest is “making good music so you can shake your…” well, you can imagine the rest of that sentence.

If you want something to do this Thursday night (September 6th) make sure to stop by Starbucks from 8-10pm. And before you come, you can listen to some of his hits at See you there!

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Honfest 2018 – WLOY Stage

Friday, May 25th, 2018 by WLOY Staff

I can’t believe it’s June already – and you know what that means, Honfest! Grab your hairspray, throw on your feather boa, and practice your best Bawlmerese accent to get ready. WLOY is excited to celebrate the 25th year of Honfest with the WLOY Stage again this year. Honfest is Saturday, June 9th, and Sunday, June 10th, 2018, and WLOY will be there all weekend! WLOY is proud to host the WLOY stage and is bringing a great lineup stacked full of local and some of the station’s favorite artists and bands. The WLOY stage will be located on 36th street at the Chestnut street intersection (right across from The Charmery).

This is quite possibly our most diverse lineup yet, so there is something for everyone. We are so excited for this year’s line up, and we hope you are too! See you there!


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Queen B. Interview

Thursday, March 13th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

QueenB smallKat and Rae sat down with QueenEarth, Janice B. and their producer Maurice, who collectively make up QueenB. on February 18th. The talented two piece band puts out harmonious, acoustic tracks that combine  guitar, beautiful vocals and rap. Their songs preach love and acceptance, and are chill-inducing. QueenEarth is a WLOY alum, being a former DJ and staffer, so this visit wasn’t her first rodeo. The interview was laugh filled, and we even learned where their cupcakes allegiance lay. (more…)

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