Combat Rock – Share Your Performance – WIN BIG

February 21st, 2021 by The Professor

With COVID taking away a lot of our concert fun, we’ve decided to push ahead with combining Battle of the Bands and Songwriter Skirmish to make an online contest instead. Welcome to Combat Rock in which you, the artist, can share your original musical performance with WLOY’s audience and potentially win free studio time! Entries are due by midnight Eastern Time on Sunday March 21st. Prizes donated by the awesome Stages Music and Arts include 2 hours of recording studio time for each winner in the Skirmish category (Acoustic or Electric categories for solo or duo acts) and 4 hours of recording studio time for the winner from Battle of the Bands (trio or more group). Fill out the form below and get your entry in ASAP! You can also come to our virtual open mic night March 19th 7-9pm to join us.


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Skribe Interview

February 16th, 2021 by Ronnie Gruseck

Check out our latest interview with local multi-instrumentalist Skribe now! Aly Martinez, our Music Director, conducted the insightful interview. She notes:

“I had the pleasure of interviewing Skribe! We had a great conversation about music and overall life. He told me about the fun things about being a musician and making music with uncommon instruments! We also talked about how the pandemic has affected life and music. He even gave us some insight on his new song that is being released very soon! Check it out!”


Instagram: @Skribemusic
Facebook: /garagefolks
Bandcamp: skribe
YouTube: Skribestudios
Spotify: Skribe

Video for the new track “Wide Awake” mentioned in Interview

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Madeline Rosene Interview

February 4th, 2021 by Ronnie Gruseck

WLOY is so excited to release our newest interview with Madeline Rosene, a creative and singer! Hang out with our music director, Aly Martinez, and Madeline Rosene, who lays out all that she experienced throughout her songwriting journey as a singer (and as a stylist!) Listen in to Madeline’s tips, inspiration, and methods that have led her to the creation of her newest, thought-provoking album “Raised on Porn,” which tackles many important topics that push listeners to go beyond the surface-level.

WLOY Zoom interview with Madeline Rosene

And don’t forget to connect with Madeline on all social media platforms below:

YouTube: Madeline Rosene
Spotify:Madeline Rosene

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Kyle McNeill Interview

January 8th, 2021 by The Professor

Los Angeles-based artist Kyle McNeill hung out with Music Director Aly Martinez to chat about his latest album “New Prescription” via Zoom. It was a fun interview with the singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist with the bonus that for no apparent reason he brought along some chickens. WLOY brings you the best of barnyards… 🙂 Check it out!

WLOY Zoom interview with Kyle McNeill

Instagram: @kylemcneill_music
Facebook: /kylemcneillmusic
YouTube: Kyle McNeill Music
Spotify: Kyle McNeill

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Christmas 2020 Special Programming

December 23rd, 2020 by The Professor

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! To help you celebrate, our amazing DJs and staff have put together incredible Christmas show specials – including Nick Centanni’s annual Moldie Oldie Christmas Eve and Christmas Day specials, NEW 2020 specials from The Volcano Chronicles, Retro Rockin Road Show, Quarantine Takeover, and vintage specials from 6 alumni, Crucial Cuts and Radio RockOnTour! Christmas music and special shows start at NOON on Christmas Eve, just in time to start your festivities and while you do your last minute wrapping, and will play all through Christmas Day until midnight, to be the soundtrack for all of the day’s gatherings and celebrations.
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Become a DJ In Your PJs!

December 18th, 2020 by Ronnie Gruseck

Are you experiencing screen fatigue? Do you listen to music to rest your eyes from online classes? Share your smashing songs from your Spotify playlist with others who feel the same way! WLOY Loyola Radio encourages you to become a DJ! Just like in our physical studio, when you do a show you don’t need to show your face! Show up in your PJs as a WLOY DJ!

Our station is flexible, just let us know when you are available!

Whether you want to do a one-time gig or host more frequently, we invite you to reach out to us!

Contact our General Manager Mackenzie Britt at for inquiries and details on how to get started today.

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Song of the Week: Alice Ivy – “In My Mind”

December 9th, 2020 by Ronnie Gruseck

Reviewed By: Aly Martinez

Our WLOY Music Director, Aly, has a new recommendation for you while you study for finals!

“Especially with finals coming up it is important to have some chill and fun music to listen to. If that is what you are looking for this song is perfect for your playlist. It has that fun electronic sound, but it flows in a very mellow way which brings a nice contrast and is definitely unique. Definitely check it out!”

Tune in to WLOY Radio for relaxing yet energizing study music. And remember: we here at WLOY are rooting for you and wish you good luck!

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Album of the Week: Peel – “Peel”

November 17th, 2020 by Ronnie Gruseck

Reviewed By: Anna Markulis

Released: November 12th , 2020

Rate: 8/10

RIYL: Bauhaus, Yves Tumor, No Joy, Disq, Sorry, Spirit of the Beehive

The musical duo Sean Cimino and Isom Innis have just released their newest self-titled album, Peel. Peel recalls the recording sessions which took place in the band’s downtown LA loft and their efforts of creating a “wall of sound.” Their high ceilings and concrete floor created their signature cavernous sound present in Peel.

Peel’s 1980s New Wave influences and echoey shoegaze vocals presents a unique atmospheric sound that can be the soundtrack to any part of your day. While the lyrics of tracks like “Citizen X” and “Persona” are simple and repetitive, the simplicity perfectly complements the layered distorted guitar riffs and vocals. Check out Peel now on iTunes and other streaming platforms!

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What Happens Next? Story Prompt 2

November 16th, 2020 by The Professor

Story Prompt #2: The Hampdenfest Lost Dog

Every year at Hamdenfest the whole community of Baltimore comes together to have fun and participate in an extravaganza of events and activities in Hamden Town Center Park. Dylan had asked his parents if he could go get ice cream so they gave him $5. On his way to the ice cream stan Dylan saw a golden retriever on the sidewalk and walked toward it. He saw that the dog looked hungry so he decided to buy some dog treats instead. He gave them to the dog and….

What Happens Next?

Audio version:

To participate, please read the details here and join us from anywhere in the world!

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Jonas Carping Interview

November 10th, 2020 by The Professor

By: Aly Martinez, Music Director
I had the pleasure of interviewing Jonas Carping, a folk (or Americana or ?) artist from Sweden about his new album “Strangers.” In the interview we really went in depth on inspiration and the process of making music. Jonas gave great insight on the importance of being true to the music and having everything be as real and raw as possible. We also discussed the importance of family and friends and the way they have shaped his career and music. We also talked about how he has been doing with the pandemic and how that has affected his life and career. Overall we had a very interesting conversation about music and the inspiration behind his work.

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