Imeru Tafari Interview (INK)
Saturday, May 23rd, 2020 by The Professor
I Never Knew Radio host Junior had the fortunate experience of interviewing Imeru Tafari this week. Some of us were also lucky to have the pleasure of seeing Imeru join us on the stage for Chant Down Baltimore 2019! Imeru Tafari is an inspiring reggae artist who comes from a rich musical bloodline, being the son of reggae superstar Queen Ifrica and grandson of reggae legend Derrick Morgan.
In this interview Imeru Tafari speaks about overcoming stage fright, lessons learned from Queen Ifrica, and provides a story behind his hit song ‘Only Light’.
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Quarantine Takeover Show – B. Newb
Thursday, May 21st, 2020 by The Professor
Up next on the Quarantine Takeover Show roster (Tuesday & Thursday at 7pm) is a 27 year old MC out of Baltimore, MD. He might also be a 2015 WLOY graduate and past winner of our Battle of the Bands. He draws influences from his own experiences as well as his friends’ to create music that focuses on storytelling. Inspired by Kid Cudi, Andre 3000, and Childish Gambino.
His motto: Just be yourself. Did we mention the banana costume? That’s a story for another day… Ladies and Gentlemen, we present the artist we know as Brandon, and you know as B. Newb!
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WLOY Goes Up A Volt
Wednesday, May 20th, 2020 by The Professor
It’s not every day that the station can afford to make a big audio chain upgrade. Today’s the day! Going live today we have a brand new Omnia Volt HD in the station. It’s kind of a big deal for us to join the commercial radio world and install a higher end audio processor. It’s almost like we’re taking ourselves seriously. OK, maybe not.
But we really hope you like the new sound – fuller, cleaner, louder and maybe just a hint of cardamom. Let us know what you think of the new sound and listen in as we dial up some more custom tweaks and just keep sounding better. Audio processing can make a huge difference in the WLOY sound and we really would like your feedback (sorry… bad audio pun – ouch double pun!) on how we sound with the new Volt in place. Leave a comment or hit us up on social media.
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Quarantine Takeover Show – Matt Muirhead
Saturday, May 16th, 2020 by The Professor
This week we bring in local artist, instrument maker and musician Matt Muirhead. When asked for a bio, he presented this: “Matt Muirhead is a lover of Baltimore, a lover of cats and a painter of both.” It doesn’t mention his making of kalimbas, pairing with McKenzie to form the band Canopy, which opened our Honfest stage several times, his crankies and many other tidbits. You can listen to his previous Studio Seizure episode to learn more. In this Quarantine Takeover Matt is wandering back to the 1980s and exploring Japanese ambient music because he can. Tune in Tuesday at 7pm and enjoy!
You can find Matt and some of his creations on Instagram @mattmuirheadartist @bmorepuppets @muirheadmusic or on his website (more…)
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Quarantine Takeover Show – Breakforth
Tuesday, May 12th, 2020 by The Professor
This week’s Quarantine Takeover show is hosted by bassist, lead singer and former WLOY DJ Matt Weitzel! Breakforth is a Hard Rock/Post Grunge band with Heavy Metal influences from Baltimore, Maryland. Driving the heart of Breakforth is the chest thumping, gut busting, drum work of Seth Champness Smith. This is complimented by the catchy, yet hard hitting, and unapologetic guitars of Paul Gambichler. Rounding out Breakforth is the rock solid bass grooves and powerful, melodic vocals of Matt Weitzel. The most important thing to us is the music. Our never ending goal is to Breakforth from the norm and bring to the table music that moves people physically and emotionally and lyrics that can inspire others just as our heroes have inspired us. So prepare to jam with one of the hardest rocking bands in the Baltimore music scene. Matt’s going heavy with the show as you can guess, but he’s a pro – currently working at a hard rock FM station here in town that you can find between 97-99 on the dial 🙂 What’s he going to play you ask? That seems like a spoiler so you’ll have to click to see more if you want. Better yet, listen in to find out why he picked these tracks and what’s up with the band! (more…)
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I Never Knew Host in the Jamaica Observer
Friday, May 8th, 2020 by The Professor
I Never Knew Radio host and I Never Knew TV host Linton “Junior” Hinds (’06) found himself featured in the Jamaica Observer for his documentary story on roots tonics in Jamaica. In addition to hosting his weekly radio show here on WLOY, Junior has a massive catalog of videos on the history of Rastafarianism, African Diaspora, Reggae and Jamaican culture all housed on his YouTube channel. With more than 10 million views, it’s easy to understand why The Observer picked up on his work. More and more people are finding and sharing his important stories and interviews with artists, philosophers, medical professionals and more. Do yourself a favor and check out both the radio show (every Sunday 9-11am) and the YouTube channel. We know you’ll find yourself saying “I Never Knew…” more than once!
Posted in Alumni Spotlight, Archives, DJ Spotlight, Featured, Music, News, Press Releases, Show Spotlight | No Comments »
Quarantine Takeover Show – Lockemy
Sunday, May 3rd, 2020 by The Professor
Welcome to the first of our new series of Quarantine Takeover shows! We were inspired by our semi-regular Studio Seizure shows on Monday nights combined with the magic of quarantined lockdown to create something new. While the Studio Seizure normally has an artist or band coming into the station and being interviewed while they select all the music for an hour, it just isn’t practical in a time of social distancing and campus closures. So… we decided to let the artists REALLY take over and send us a complete 1 hour show with their influences, favorite bands, musicians you really should hear and (as a bonus) some of their own music and inspirations. We asked around and we have a lot of great local artists building shows for us now and we may just keep this going long after lockdown is lifted in 2028, or whenever. So, without further ado… our first Quarantine Takeover show will be airing Tuesday at 7pm presented by Lockemy and featuring:
Stone Temple Pilots – Sex Type Thing – Atlantic Records
Silverchair – Point of View – Sony Music
Lockemy – In One Place – Self
Incubus – Dig – Island
Depeche Mode – Precious – A Whole Bunch
Andrew Belle – Dark Matter – Collide
Lockemy – The Fog – Self
Seal – Colour – ZTT Records
Beck – Heart is a Drum – Geffen
Lockemy – Little Things – Self
Mutemath – Equals – Warner Brothers
Young The Giant – Mind Over Matter – Fueled By Ramen
Lockemy – Just Maybe – Self
Lockemy has a smart social media mind and keeps it simple so whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok or Twitter you just search for Lockemyofficial and you’ll find him!
If you missed it, the show is in our archives!
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Retro Eddie – The Food Episode
Friday, April 24th, 2020 by The Professor
Today on the Retro Rockin Roadshow from 7-9pm Retro Eddie is going deep, into your tummy! This week’s theme, suggested by a listener, covers food and food themed songs. From the early songs like “Big Rock Candy Mountain” to The Archies (not the obvious one) to the many influences of Jim Henson, this show will leave you hungry for more… Sorry. But really, from the 1920s to the 1970s you’re going to be surprised what oddities our Retro Eddie digs up for your ears to feast upon. He’s always interested in comments, theme suggestions and more. Feel free to comment here, on our social media or email with your ideas. Eddie is one of the few people still on campus so he has access to the whole WLOY library! Feel free to stump him. Meanwhile, PLAY MUSIC!
Posted in DJ Spotlight, Featured, Music | 1 Comment »
Mortimer Interview (INK)
Thursday, April 23rd, 2020 by The Professor
This week Junior brings the artist Mortimer on I Never Knew Radio! Enjoy reasoning with the Reggae- Soul Singer who recently received the coveted Jamaican Reggae Industry Association (JaRIA) breakthrough Artiste of the Year as well as the coveted Song of the Year for his reggae infused ballad ‘Lightning”
In this interview Mortimer explain the process of creating his masterful EP “Fight the Fight” which features international hit “Ligthning”, title track “Fight the Fight” and more. Mortimer speaks about the need for better parenting and more compassion in the world.
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Vinylthon 2020 – Day 1
Saturday, April 18th, 2020 by The Professor
It’s VINYLTHON 2020! Originally scheduled for today April 18, but rescheduled (along with Record Store Day) to June 20 but WE DON’T CARE! We are doing TWO days of Vinylthon instead of one. It’s just how we roll… Tune in all day for shows that are 100% spun from vinyl starting at 1am today and running through midnight! You’ll hear current DJ shows as well as alumni shows in one and two hour formats. WLOY has received a golden slipmat every year for doing at least 12 hours of all vinyl and this year even though we’re not making the usual full 24 we’re still running 18 hours of all vinyl shows!
What is Vinylthon you ask? Read the press release below and find out more!
Over 100 radio stations will go vinyl-only for charity event Vinylthon 2020, with many stations broadcasting from their DJ’s homes
Despite severe disruptions caused by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, across the USA and the world, radio stations will celebrate the unique format of vinyl by going vinyl-only on Vinylthon, April 18, 2020. Organizers hope it will provide essential comfort to listeners through entertainment during this difficult time.
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