Tourism Tuesday: The War of 1812

November 12th, 2013 by WLOY Staff

1812 CommemorationWhat: Maryland during the War of 1812

Where: Maryland Historical Society

When: June 10th 2012 – December 31st, 2014

If you live in Baltimore what better way to know your state then learning about the War of 1812? In Full Glory Reflected is Maryland’s largest display devoted to the War of 1812 and its era in honor of it’s bicentennial anniversary. The exhibition fills an entire gallery floor with a fascinating array of artifacts and documents, many donated by the Defenders of Baltimore themselves. Visitors explore life in the early-19th century as they follow Baltimore’s evolution from a small, scenic village to a bustling boomtown. By the time you leave you will have a better understanding of how the War of 1812 has been and will be commemorated.

For more information on this historical experience visit the website !

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White Christmas Opening Night Tickets!

November 11th, 2013 by The Professor


WLOY has more tickets for you!  The Hippodrome has a limited run December 3-8th of this classic holiday film, turned musical.  WLOY has opening night tickets for you to win, and 4 chances to do it.  Attend our live shows Thursday November 14 (Caleb Stine) or 21st (Claire Anthony) to enter and win, or stop by our table in front of Boulder Gardens Cafe 12-2pm Friday the 15th and 22nd to enter the weekly raffle.

Can’t make it to opening night? It’s ok, you can always buy your tickets here.
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Museum Mondays: Mummies of the Whole World

November 11th, 2013 by WLOY Staff


What: Mummy Exhibition

Where: Maryland Science Center

When: November 5th 2013 to January 19th, 2014

Inside every mummy is a story waiting to be told. Head on down to the Maryland Science Center to view the wide, compelling collection from Asia, Oceania, South America, Europe and Ancient Egypt dating back 6,500 years! This amazing collection bridges the gap between the past and the present across seven countries. Explore how mummies are created, where they come from and who they were.

On Mummy Mondays you can see it from the discounted price at $15. During normal hours you can use your student ID and pay only $22! Visit the website here for more information!

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Sports Saturdays: Basketball Home Opener

November 9th, 2013 by WLOY Staff

9360781What: Fairfield vs. Loyola

When: Saturday November 16th, 8:00PM

Fans rejoice! Greyhounds regular season basketball is officially back for another season! The Greyhounds have their first home game of the season this coming Saturday against a very familiar opponent, Fairfield.

This season marks Loyola’s first season as a part of the Patriot League, but it wouldn’t be a season of Loyola basketball without playing a familiar MAAC rival.

The Hounds hope to have a great start coming home for their first game at Reitz Arena of the 2013-2014 season. The Hounds start their conference schedule in January, but have four home games before the conference schedule starts.

C’mon out and support the Hounds for their regular season home opener against Fairfield! For ticket information go check out the Hounds’ website here.

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Where Do You Draw The Line?

November 8th, 2013 by WLOY Staff

UnknownIn the past week, the situation regarding Jonathan Martin, Richie Incognito, and the Miami Dolphins organization has gone from bad to…just plain weird.

The report came out earlier this week that Dolphins’ offensive lineman, Richie Incognito, had been harassing teammate Jonathan Martin with racist, overtly offensive, and threatening comments. The voicemail read as follows:

“Hey, wassup, you half (racial slur) piece of (expletive). I saw you on Twitter, you been training 10 weeks. I’ll (expletive) in your (expletive) mouth. I’m gonna slap your (expletive) mouth, I’m gonna slap your real mother across the face (laughter). (Expletive) you, you’re still a rookie. I’ll kill you.”
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RadioEdu Week 07

November 8th, 2013 by WLOY Staff

Concepts: Introduction to Sound Design, Effects Chaining, Talk Radio Flow 

As the students have been learning about effects and the parameters, we began by a review of what we’ve learned so far. The students were able to distinguish between Reverb, Delay, Echo, Chorus and Flangers and describe when a producer would want to use each effect. We then began a discussion about how the effects can be ‘chained’ together to create unique and interesting results. I explained that the order of effects in the rack matters, and asked what the students think would happen if I placed a Reverb device after an Echo in the chain. They correctly predicted that the Echoes created by that device would then feed into the Reverb. We noticed that when one begins to link effects together, some pretty unexpected and unique results happen. This led to a discussion of sound design, and how producers can create entirely new sounds that are only limited by their imagination.

I told the students that sound design is a crucial aspect of modern music development, and plays a central role in the music used in advertisements, music, films, and video games. I asked them for their definitions of what they thought sound design would be, and how sound design is the field where audio engineers create, manipulate, acquire and process audio components to match what they need for a project.

The proof of concept for this idea was to have the students begin with the same audio source file and to then chain effects in order to create their own unique sound files. The aim of this project was two-fold: first, it demonstrated the transformative power of multiple effects linked together, and secondly, it illustrated that the same audio file can be morphed into drastically different ‘new’ sounds. Each student acted as engineer and these are some of the examples of their first forays into sound design! This also provided an opportunity to review the importance of monitoring the Wet/Dry mix of effects, as this ratio can be used to further sculpt the sounds that are created by manipulating the amount of each effect on the source sound.

J’s Sound Design 1

J’s Sound Design 2

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Food Fridays: 22nd Annual Pancake Eating Contest

November 8th, 2013 by WLOY Staff

b2-petes-grill-2What: Annual Pancake Eating Contest

Where: Pete’s Grille

When: Friday, November 22nd, 2013

Think you can beat the all time record of 18 pancakes in one hour? Head on down to Pete’s Grille on November 22nd for Baltimore’s famed pancake eating contest 7am. There is a Women and Men’s division and the all-time winner gets free Pete’s Grille for as long as they hold their record! Now your chance to prove the haters wrong and become an amateur competitive eater.

Sign-up now at the restaurant Monday through Friday between 7am and 1pm.

Check out Pete’s on facebook for more information and start training now.

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Staff Picks 11.3.2013

November 7th, 2013 by WLOY Staff

Billy DriesNight Time, My Time – Sky Ferreirasky-cover

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Sky has been on the public radar for years now, she’s allegedly hooked up with Miley Cyrus, and got busted for drugs, and shed a pop star that didn’t start on Disney Channel!…Whats this? Billy’s pick is a pop album?… Freak yeah it is, this album rocks it out and delivers a sound the likes of which hasn’t been heard in a Pop album since the likes of Michael Jackson, or Madonna.

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Theatre Thursdays: War Requiem

November 7th, 2013 by WLOY Staff

war requiemWhat: Peabody Children’s Concert performance 

Where: The Meyerhoff on Thursday and Friday and Strathmore on Saturday

When: November 14th-16th

This War Requiem is the experience through Benjamin Britten’s eyes of two world wars through powerful music. The performance is conducted by Marin Alsop and preformed by the Peabody’s Children Chorus. It’s a part of the University of Maryland’s concert choir and is sure to provoke deep emotions and bring you back into a different time. War Requiem features two orchestras, two choruses and a number of show stopping soloists as we journey alongside Britten in his musical masterpiece.

Tickets start at $29 for regular civilians, but they are offering a reduced price of $25 for those who have served in our armed forces. Be sure to check out their website for more information on the concerts as well as how to purchase tickets.

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WLOY Presents: Late Night Concert

November 6th, 2013 by WLOY Staff

cheeringAs the icy Baltimore breeze begins its annual decent upon the Loyola campus, students commence a search for all things warm and toasty. They flock to the shelter of indoor heating and the comfort of a grande peppermint mocha. But late in the evening, when the Humanities building is empty and Starbucks fairy has retired, how can one find repose from the chill? Well, WLOY invites you to come huddle your hands around the heat of a buzzing Marshall half stack amplifier at the Late Night Concert, this Thursday. We will be graced with the funky tunes of Greasy Hands–a notable Baltimore band with a big sound. But thats not all, because as you know, WLOY is your hookup for Baltimore entertainment! We will be giving away tickets to the Opening Night of Jersey Boys at the  Hippodrome! Show starts 9 Pm, this Thursday in McGuire Hall.

Who’s Greasy Hands? Well, check em’ out

What’s Jersey Boys? What’s the Hippodrome? Where’s the rock I’ve been living under?? Find out here! 

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