Theater Thursday: Book of Mormon

October 8th, 2015 by WLOY Staff

BookofMormon What: Book of Mormon

Where: Hippodrome Theatre

When: November 3-15

Starting November 3rd the musical The Book Of Mormon is coming to the Hippodrome Theatre! This most certainly is a-can’t-miss show! It has the reputation of one of the funniest musicals out there and has already won 9 Tony Awards—you will not be disappointed.

It is co-directed by Trey Parker, co-written by Matt Stone and Robert Lopez. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are the creators of the popular and funny, South Park television series along with several other comedies. Trey Parker says it was to be, “happy and optimistic” musical, in the least cheesy way.

The Book of Mormon is a satirical musical based on… you guessed it… the Book of Mormon. It is about a young man Elder Cummingham learning how to preach the Book of Mormon. Along with its wittiness it boasts some wonderful show tunes that you’ll be compelled to sing all evening.

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Wacky Wednesday: Bennet’s Curse Haunted Maze

October 7th, 2015 by WLOY Staff

Bennets CurseWhat: Bennet’s Curse Haunted Maze

Where: 791 West Ostend Street, Baltimore, MD

When: Sept 25- Nov 7 ; 7-10pm Sunday and Thursday, 7-11pm Friday and Saturday

It is October, Spooktober, Halloween month… whatever you want to call, it is officially time for pumpkins, pumpkin spiced things, and haunted houses…. Spoooooky. So come to Bennet’s Curse, muscle up all your courage and see some monsters and creepy stuff. There are four haunted houses for you to seek out on a scary night. The Medieval Underworld is the most authentic one, guaranteed to test your fear! They make it their goal to keep up with the newest and most frightening props and techniques in the haunted house biz. Bennet’s Curse has been featured on the Travel Channels Halloween special and has been ranked “one of America’s Best Haunts”.

General Admission is $35, includes entrance to all four houses. Speed Pass is $45 if you want to tear through that line quickly. VIP Admissoins is $60.

Click here to check out their website for details about all of the haunted houses and more!


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WLOY Coffeehouse 10/8/15: Canopy

October 5th, 2015 by WLOY Staff

CanopySupport local music this Thursday with WLOY in the third floor reading room at 8pm! Canopy is a Baltimore-based band comprised of Matt Muirhead and McKenzie Ditter. They are a relatively new band but excellent performers. Matt Muirhead is a well-known Baltimore artist (currently making a t-shirt for WLOY!!). He creates both eclectic paintings and music. Muirhead also constructs very eccentric instruments that they use to contribute their unique sound. McKenzie Ditter is a photographer and illustrator. Muirhead and Ditter make quite the creative duo!

Canopy comes to stage prepared to improvise and create new music as they go along. Get up  on stage with then to join in on their musical adventures or sit and watch the show while sipping some coffee. Their music ranges from EDM fusion to tropical sounds. Give them a listen before the show and get hyped and come enjoy their wonderful show! As always it’s a FREE show presented by WLOY & Student Activities.

Listen here to shweet Canopy songs!

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Museum Monday: The Big Hope Show

October 5th, 2015 by WLOY Staff

MuseumMondayOct5What: The Big Hope Show

Where: American Visionary Art Museum

When: October 3 2015 – September 4 2016

It is time to stop by the American Visionary Art Museum to see the exhibition of The Big Hope Show. Featuring 25+ artists who have been through traumatic life situations. It is an exhibition of hope, shown through the artists life. There is an eclectic variety of art displayed throughout the exhibition. Artists such as Bobby Adams and Wayne Coyne are show cased in this wonderful exhibit. There is some heartfelt work displayed, like, Chris Roberts-Antieau’s work revolving around beating cancer.

The American Visionary Art Museum was founded in 1995, relatively new, they have hosted a wide variety of shows. They typically host more modern shows. Come check it out!

Click here for more info!

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College Radio Day!

October 1st, 2015 by WLOY Staff

CollegeRadioDay Wait for it!
This Friday, October 2nd is College Radio Day! Safe to say this is WLOY’s favorite and most coveted holiday. We are all celebrating the 5th year of College Radio Day.

We take this day to recognize the importance of college radio and the positive effect it has had on students throughout the years. It is a day to encourage us to change that dial to a college radio station (WLOY of course) and support them all around the country. College radio maintains and fosters so much creativity, as we don’t have the commercial binds the most popular stations have. We have the ability to be more free and more open to new music and new talent. Not only helping students to achieve but also musicians as well.

As with most of our favorite holidays we typically receive a gift, so in honor of this WLOY will be raffling off a turn-table with a couple choice records to help kick start your collection. Come to our Coffeehouse this Thursday, October 1st, (with Swampcandy) to get a jumpstart and purchase your raffle tickets. Or, stop by the WLOY table at Live @ Boulder on Friday and purchase tickets there!

Yay for College Radio Day!

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WLOY Coffeehouse 10/1/15: Swampcandy

October 1st, 2015 by WLOY Staff

SwampCandy It’s the 1st WLOY late night event of October! We have the amazing Swampcandy playing our WLOY coffeehouse series this Thursday. Not only is it FREE but also we’ll be providing delicious snacks AND coffee.

Swamp candy is Ruben Dobbs on guitar and Joey Mitchell on the bass. They are described as a bluesy duo. Ruben Dobb’s, a Maryland farm boy, is Swampcandy’s lead vocalist and guitarist. He has more talent in his fingers alone than I could I possibly imagine. His voice is raw, a little rough, deep, and very real. Dobbs sings his bluesy lyrics with conviction and passion. Joey Mitchell is quite the instrumental talent, maneuvering through all genres and filling the gaps of this two-person band on bass. These two are able to create music that sounds like a fully fitted band is playing along side them.

Do not miss out on this opportunity to see this dope band perform! Check out some videos and their website to get acquainted with them if you’re not already huge fans! Swampcandy

Also, at the show we will be selling raffle tickets for WLOY’s, College Radio Day give away — a turntable with 8 records (including 3 from local label Friends Records) and a $30 gift certificate to Sound Garden in Fells Point – a pretty sweet prize, if we do say so ourselves! Hope to see you there this Thursday October 2nd, buying raffle tickets, sipping on coffee and enjoying the sweet, sweet Swampcandy Tunes.

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Food Friday: Golden West Cafe Take Out Window

September 25th, 2015 by WLOY Staff

GoldenwestWhat: Golden West Cafe Take-Out Window

Where: W 36th Street, Hampden

 When: Sun-Thurs. 7am-12am, Friday-Sat. 7am-2am

I have always been a faithful to  Golden West Cafe and their Sunday morning brunch. This past weekend at HampdenFest, I finally got the chance to experience the new take-out window. And, in the spirit of a true toddler I had waffles with a big fluffy dollop of whip cream and a big glass of chocolate milk (admittedly an odd choice for a hot saturday morning). It. Was. Awesome. Delicious and hardly nutritious–the perfect breakfast. The Take-Out window’s hours are amazing, 7am-2am on Fridays and Saturdays, perfect those late nights of too much…studying and work…and you really just want a huge platter of nachos.  Read the rest of this entry »

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Roland Park Middle School Tours WLOY

September 24th, 2015 by WLOY Staff

RPMWLOY This past Monday and Tuesday, WLOY had the pleasure of hosting 60 eighth graders, along with some teachers and parents, from Roland Park Middle School. Students spent about an hour touring the station, learning about the operations, and watching DJs in action. They learned about the equipment and functions of each recording and production studio, asked lots of questions about sound dampening panels on the walls and ceilings, and tried to fathom how we got 10,000 CDs and 7,000 LPs in that small space. The students got to meet and talk to some pretty cool DJ’s while they were on the air!

These students are currently involved in Roland Park’s theater class. They are currently writing radio plays and the best ones will be selected by their teacher to record and produce them at WLOY. They will be back in October to share their plays with everyone…so be sure to tune in!! We have been fortunate enough to collaborate with Roland Park Middle on this project for 4 years. There have been some very creative plays written during our time together and we hope to inspire these young kids to be future DJs! Remember to keep an open ear for more of these creative plays in October as details emerge. Thank you, Roland Park Middle School!

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Theater Thursday: The Intern

September 24th, 2015 by WLOY Staff


What: The Intern Opening Show

Where: Senator Theatre

When: Friday, September 25th

Please turn all phones on silent and get a large popcorn! The historical Senator Theatre is having the opening show of the much anticipated new movie, The Intern. The Intern, directed by Nancy Meyers, stars Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro. It is a story that proves new beginnings and experiences can happen during any point in time during ones life. There is laughter and frustration; an overall a heart warming story about an unexpected friendship.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Wacky Wednesdays: Madonnari Arts Festival 2015

September 23rd, 2015 by WLOY Staff

Madonnari Arts Festival What: Little Italy Baltimore Madonnari Arts Festival

Where: Little Italy, Baltimore

When: October 1-4

Come to Little Italy from October 1st to the 4th to see it be transformed into a colorful masterpiece! Sip on wine and eat delicious food while you admire the chalk art being created in front of you and listen to the live music. Artists from all over the world will be attending and chalking images throughout the event. This is the first ever Madonnari chalk arts festival. Be sure to indulge yourself in this very cool, out of the ordinary, eclectic event in Little Italy. Click here for more information!

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