I The Breather Interview
Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 by The Professor
Matt Weitzel ’18, co-host of both It’s a Hard Rock Life and It’s a Harder Rock Life, cruised South to catch the final show by I The Breather in Fredericksburg, VA. Listen in as he fanboys all over them 🙂
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Sugar Free Allstars – Sugar Free Allstars
Tuesday, March 8th, 2016 by WLOY Staff
Sugar Free Allstars – Sugar Free Allstars
Released: April 2, 2016
Rate: 6/10
Sugar Free Allstars self-titled album comes out April 2nd. The children’s artist takes a more new wave approach to children’s music. While some children’s music can be acoustic and pretty low-key, Sugar Free Allstars has elements of disco, jazz, blues, and funk that collectively make up their songs. This makes them very upbeat, akin to the personality and activity of young children. Their music is also something that adults can get into to, so if you have you’re on a long car ride and pop this album in, you can groove along as well. Sugar Free Allstars, is definitely unique in the world of Children’s music in that again it does appeal to many different age groups, their sound is to get you up to move and groove. The production is very good on the album and lyrically, it is very children friendly and easy to understand. Looking for a break from traditional children’s music? I would definitely get this album!
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Frances England – Explorer of the world
Tuesday, March 8th, 2016 by WLOY Staff
Frances England-Explorer of the world
Release Date: April 1, 2016
Rate: 8/10
Frances England, a children’s artist releases her new album Explorer of the World is absolutely fun and whimsical. England’s voice is absolutely perfect for children’s music, the primarily acoustic album is not only good for children but is also something adults can get into as well. Her voice is light airy and absolutely infectious, her songs are simply cute and you can’t help but to smile. The production on the album is fairly good, but the songs and the vibe of the songs makes up tremendously for the decent production. If you have kids, or just want music to chill too, I would definitely check this album out!
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Invoke Interview
Saturday, March 5th, 2016 by The Professor
Kat and Rae continue their streak of amazing guests and interviews with the guys from Texas-based Invoke a “not classical” classical quartet. Does that make sense? No? Listen to the interview and their music and find out why it really does. They’ve won numerous awards around the country and are in town to perform with local wonder Ruut in a matinee show at Rams Head On Stage in Annapolis.
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Toronzo Cannon Interview 2/27/16
Sunday, February 28th, 2016 by The Professor
Bluesman and MTA bus driver Toronzo Cannon lit up the scene at the 2016 Lancaster Roots and Blues Festival with a wild set at the Federal Taphouse to a hyped up crowd. Hitting tracks from his new Chicago Way album (his first on venerable blues label Alligator) and chewing on his Flying V strings, Toronzo had everyone’s attention. Last night, on day 2 of the festival, he jumped on stage with fellow Chicagoans Lil’ Ed and The Blues Imperials for a quick jam at The Chameleon Club. He also, after sharing some pizza and a nice stroll through downtown Lancaster, sat down with me to chat about his new album, touring on his vacation days and driving an MTA bus full time. We had to contend with fan interruptions and noise and finally ended up in a stairwell as he was kind enough to keep talking through the chaos. Toronzo’s getting a lot of well-deserved attention for his music, but don’t expect him to quit his day job!
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Stereo Reform-The future started yesterday
Thursday, February 25th, 2016 by WLOY Staff
Stereo Reform- The future started yesterday
Released: May 13, 2013
Rate: 10/10
Stereo Reform is just bound to blow up. With its sound being similar to Capital Cities, Walk the Moon and Fickle Friends, and vocals that are strikingly similar to Nicholas Petricca of Walk the moon, Stereo Reform is the “Next Big Thing”. (more…)
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Josh Taerk-Here’s to change
Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016 by WLOY Staff
Josh Taerk-Here’s to change
Release: June 1, 2015
Rate: 5/10
At only 25, Josh Taerk’s album Here’s to change has an old time feel; the album sounds very mature and polished from someone so young. In some instances it sounds like a live album than a studio recording. Lyrics that give off hues of personal experience, triumph and growth radiate through out the entire album. I would say Josh Taerk is a more acoustic, one man version of the band “Train”. (more…)
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Betty Moon-Pantomania
Thursday, February 18th, 2016 by WLOY Staff
Betty Moon-Pantomania
Release: July 28, 2015
Rate: 8/10
Betty Moon, a Toronto born singer, songwriter, producer and filmmaker’s album Pantomania is an album that exhibits her deep sultry vocal tone. Her music as well as the album has vibes from Madonna and musicality similar to bands like WarPaint, Phantogram and Massive Attack. The sound is very spacey/futuristic pop with an underlying rock base executed by the distorted guitars. The sound is very mesmerizing and groovy; one of the songs on the album “Thunder” sounds a lot like “R U Mine?” by the Arctic Monkeys. (more…)
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The Benedict Dollyrockers-The Benedict Dollyrockers
Tuesday, February 16th, 2016 by WLOY Staff
The Benedict Dollyrockers-The Benedict Dollyrockers
Released: November 3, 2015
Rate: 4/10
The Benedict DollyRockers are a country/rock/jam band originally from Coldwater, Michigan, but currently reside in Kalamazoo. Though they call themselves a “jam band” they do not seem very “jam-band”like. It seems like they are perpetually sad, and honestly I wish they were a little more upbeat or enthusiastic. Lyrically they can come off whiny and uninspired, their vocalist has a whiny twang as well that can be very unappealing. Many of the songs on the album can sound pretty repetitive, and honestly can sound the same. Despite this, I do here vibes from the Red Hit Chilli Peppers; as well as that, it is evident from their guitar solos that they are talented instrumentally but they do not utilize their talent very well and its kind of a disappoint.
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Rabbit Wilde-The Heartland
Tuesday, February 9th, 2016 by WLOY Staff
Rabbit Wilde-The Heartland
Release: February 19, 2016
Rate: 6/10
Rabbit Wilde formerly known as Wild Rabbit is a multi-instrument playing quarter from Bellingham, WA. The band consists of brothers: Zach and Nathan Hamer, Miranda Zickler and Jillian Walker; the band is set to release their LP The Heartland, February 19 and it is to be a follow up from their EP Southern Hands released the Fall of 2015. Rabbit Wilde has a sound similar to The Lumineers, Of Monsters and Men, and The Civil Wars. (more…)
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