Album Review: Slaughter Beach, Dog-Welcome
Thursday, October 13th, 2016 by WLOY Staff
Review by Stephen Vanyo
Slaughter Beach, Dog– Welcome
Released: September 30th 2016
Rate: 8.2/10
Slaughter Beach, Dog has just come out with their debut full length “Welcome” which you can purchase now from Lame-O Records. Slaughter Beach, Dog is the side project of Modern Baseball’s Jake Ewald. Previous efforts from Ewald under this moniker include a demo EP called Dawg which he released through his own label Family Dinner. Ewald has always embodied his music with a “Do it Yourself” attitude and this record is no different. Mainly self recorded between tours, this record features a bare-bones production style which allows the warmth of the instruments to permeate throughout the speakers. The album’s thematic content raises concerns of post-grad uncertainty on “Jobs”, to the pains of self-sabotage on “Monsters”. The style of this record is varied as well ranging from post-punk to elements of alt-country.
Ewald revisits several of his past works from the Dawg EP by including “Toronto Mug”, “Mallrat Semi Annual” and “Bed Fest”, all cuts originally from his debut demo. While many of the changes from the past effort to this are sonically more improved, Ewald has added little auxiliary parts to create a more whole effort. The most noticeable difference however is how much more confident in his performance with these songs and it shows. With this new full length, Ewald is ready to step out from his Modern Baseball notoriety and go for it on his own terms. I for one, welcome his arrival.
Purchase “Welcome” digitally here:
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Coffeehouse 10/13/16: Mark Hopkins
Friday, October 7th, 2016 by WLOY Staff
If you’re looking to dance like crazy, look no further! This Thursday by Starbucks from 8-10pm, local artist Mark Hopkins will be performing his funky beats. An alumni of Berklee College of Music, Hopkins knows a lot about music, including that it should always have you moving your feet. He is inspired by artists of all different genres, which lead to his Andy Grammar meets Dave Matthews Band sound. With his original music, a fusion of blues, funk, rock, and soul you will be moving more than just your feet. You can listen to his music (as well as some covers) here and here.
Starbucks will be staying open for the event, so come out grab your favorite drink and enjoy this amazing music. Oh, and Loyola students, don’t forget to swipe in for a chance to win concert tickets to the Soundstage!
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Hannibal Buress Interview
Wednesday, October 5th, 2016 by The Professor
It started with a tweet by Hannibal (@hannibalburess) asking if anyone in the Baltimore/DC area wanted to have him come on their show and rap. Challenge accepted, intrepid DJ Matt Weinberg ’17 chased the dream. A few hours later, arrangements were being made and the next morning we had Hannibal on the phone from DC. He didn’t rap, but he did talk about a lot of things – from kicking (or maybe not) Flavor Flav in the face to helping Matt and co-host Mike Dayao ’18 name their show. It’s now officially “The Garbage Can and The Man”, in case you’re wondering. Hannibal Buress will be in Baltimore for a show at the Meyerhoff tomorrow night, but for now, you can hear him here!
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Swamp Cabbage Interview
Monday, October 3rd, 2016 by The Professor
It’s taken several tries to catch the slippery Swamp Cabbage and get them in the studio. We’ve had them play a show in Florida, had Walter Parks stop by a couple of times solo, waved “Hi” to Jagoda on the LIE, but Jim just won’t leave the swamp. Finally, we did it. I’m still not quite sure what happened, or if we actually talked about music because we were laughing so much. One thing is sure, if they ever decide to put away the Greco-Roman wrestling costumes and dock the iron lung, Swamp Cabbage has a second career in comedy. Listen in as Walter Parks, Jagoda and the ever-elusive Jim DeVito talk Swamp Cabbage, the honor of playing Katz’s Deli and mis-translating Spanish.
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Metalachi Studio Seizure 9/9/16
Monday, September 19th, 2016 by The Professor
How do you explain the brilliant madness that is Metalachi? And, more to the point, who in their right mind would give them control of a radio station?! We did. For 90 minutes the station was seized by a mad mix of heavy metal, mariachi music and George Michael… Yes, seriously. The band stopped by on the second night of their East Coast tour to hang out with our GM Tara and give her a dose of their show. Not only did they select all the music for the show, they even allowed us to play the advance version of their cover of Motorhead’s “Ace of Spades” which will be appearing on their upcoming second album, shockingly titled “Dos”. We will have some video and more photos to follow, but for now, we’re just busy trying to find the N’Sync bobble heads.
Show list:
Baby Got Back- Sir Mix Lot
She Blinded me with Science – Thomas “I live in Baltimore now” Dolby
Careless Whisper – George Michael
Ember City- Mastadon
Remember the Time- Michael Jackson
Have You Ever Loved a Woman- Bryan Adams
Tits- John Paragon (actually we couldn’t play this one for obvious reasons, but they wanted to)
Final Countdown- Europe
Holy Diver- Dio
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Coffeehouse 9/15/16: Caleb Stine
Thursday, September 15th, 2016 by WLOY Staff
It’s already mid-September! Feeling like you need a little relaxation in your busy schedules? WLOY is continuing the weekly coffeehouse experience with the one and only Caleb Stine! This Thursday, September 15th, Caleb will be performing in our new location, Starbucks, right here on campus from 9-11pm. Starbucks will remain open for Stine’s performance, so it’s a great way to relax, drink some coffee, and enjoy some great music! Caleb Stine has released over 10 albums, has spent some time acting off-Broadway, and has traveled all over the country sharing his talent. We have been lucky enough to host him here on our stage in the past, and even luckier to have been able to invite him back for another round! We certainly hope to see you there!
Feel free to check out more of Stine’s work on his website
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Crucial Cuts Hits 100!
Thursday, September 8th, 2016 by The Professor
Today we celebrate a milestone! WLOY’s award-winning show Crucial Cuts with Earl Crown has reached show 100! Every (more or less) Thursday DJ Earl Crown graces the studio with a slight hint of tobacco and angst, but leaves behind happy ears and a great setlist. Student DJs listen and learn from his great blend of Rap, Reggae, Punk, Garage, New Wave, Soul, R&B and more. Every one of these tracks is a must know and as he likes to say “If you don’t know who this artist is… ask an adult.” Congratulations Earl Crown on making it to SHOW 100!
Catch the live show 12-2pm every Thursday and the encore edition every Saturday 4-6pm. Crucial Cuts with Earl Crown will expand your musical world.
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First Coffeehouse of the year: SKRIBE
Tuesday, September 6th, 2016 by The Professor
Welcome back (or just Welcome for you First Year folks)! WLOY is kicking off the 2016 Coffeehouse series with a new location and a new artist to the series. Annapolis-based Skribe will be performing at our NEW LOCATION adjacent to the Starbucks on campus this Thursday 8-10pm. Starbucks will stay open with extended hours to support the Coffeehouse shows all year, so you can still enjoy a Pumpkin Spice Latte and a cake pop while you enjoy the sweet sounds of Skribe. We loved the show Skribe put on for us over the summer at our Honfest stage and so we invited him back, along with Gingerwolf, to perform for our kick off Coffeehouse event. Check out more Skribe tunes on their website, including free downloads.
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Jackyl Interview
Wednesday, July 6th, 2016 by The Professor
It’s a Hard Rock Life host Matt Weitzel caught up with Jackyl frontman Jesse James Dupree to talk about the heavy touring life, a new album [itunes link=”″ title=”Jackyl – ROWYCO” text=”ROWYCO”] and playing the chainsaw.
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Concert Review: Modern Baseball @ Baltimore Soundstage (Baltimore, MD) & The Fillmore (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Monday, July 4th, 2016 by WLOY Staff
Review by: Tara Howell
Right after MoBo surprise released The Perfect Cast EP, I had the chance to see them for the first time at my favorite Baltimore venue, Ottobar, in the fall of 2015. More than any other concert I’ve been to, it felt like a group therapy session. In a room full of strangers, I’ve never felt more connected. It was at this concert that I really, really realized not only how powerful music is, but how special this band really is. (more…)
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