Why Bosley Is Winning the Music Video Scene in Baltimore

February 24th, 2016 by WLOY Staff

BosleyKathryn O’Brien

As we all know, Baltimore is a city filled with great music. Baltimore is known for its diversity of music genres from our strong punk scene to our excellent and renowned hip hop world. One Baltimore soul artist, Bosley, is slaying the music video scene with innovative and fun videos.

You can find all of Bosley’s music videos on his website, http://www.bosleymusic.net/media-adversary/. Each of Bosley’s music videos is a like a small film onto itself. Each have their own aesthetic and style yet all are captivating and wildly fun. The video for his song, Jungles, is 100% animated and black and white. The video is all a chase scene. The aesthetic of the video can best be described as Looney Tunes meets Hitchcock.

Drastically different, but equally as fun, is the music video for Temptation.The aesthetic is a sort of “funk noir” combining the style of 1920’s films with ’60s soul, a blend of styles and decades that I never knew I craved until I saw it and now I can’t get enough.

Bosley is just as fun to watch live as on video. The nine piece band that is Bosley are all wildly talented, each bringing something unique to the table. The “Boslettes” aka the lovely singers that accompany Bosley have choreographed dance moves for each song and are known for their fabulous outfits. Of course, the man himself, Bosley, is a visual feast, reveling in outfits that would make the greats like Chuck Berry and James Brown proud.

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