Open Mic Night 1/21/23

January 20th, 2023 by Liz Kosik

A huge welcome back to our Loyola community! We hope everyone is just as excited as we are to be back on campus and in 0ur element! As much needed as the holiday break was, you know WLOY is always cookin’ up the best activities to allow our students to express their creativity and talent! Definitely be sure to check back for upcoming events and updates this semester- you don’t want to miss out! 🙂

On that note… join WLOY for our first Open Mic Night of the semester on January 21st from 7-9 PM in Starbucks! Do you have singing or spoken-word talents? Come show it off to your friends and peers! Are you more into comedic stand-up? This is the perfect opportunity to showcase your best jokes. All poetry, singing, and stand-up is welcomed and event if you’re not participating, attendance is highly encouraged! Mark your calendars for WLOY’s Open Mic Night this Saturday, January 21st from 7-9 PM in Starbucks! Register here!

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