SOTW: “Dirty John Type” – Jade The Moon
Upcoming: Ladies Night @ FAC
On This Day: March 10
Explore Baltimore: 5 Music Legends
Super Power Up! Civilization Interview Tonight 9-11p
September 9th, 2010 by The Professor
Ever wonder what goes into creating the music from your favorite video games? Join Player One tonight on Super Power Up! — from 9PM to 11PM here on WLOY — for an interview with Geoff Knorr and Michael Curran, the composer and lead audio director for the upcoming Civilization V! Geoff and Michael talk about the process of conceptualizing, designing, performing, and editing the music and other audio from Civilization V, as well as the evolution of the music and audio from earlier Civilization games. In addition to the interview, several tracks from the Civilization V soundtrack will also be aired! Tune in to WLOY, and enjoy!
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WLOY to be at the Grand Opening of Mein Bowl!!
September 9th, 2010 by WLOY Staff

Today WLOY will be live outside of Mein Bowl from 11-2 for their official Grand Opening! Remember: show up at our events, enter in our FREE raffle and you could win tickets to some awesome shows at Ramshead Live!! The more events you come to, the greater your chances of winning become! So stop by, hang out with us and enjoy some Mein Bowl.
Asian cuisine and great music? Who could ask for anything more?
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Poll: Isaac the Man
September 8th, 2010 by WLOY Staff

This is Isaac. He is our new Business man. He was supposed to go to Amsterdam this semester. We are so glad he stayed! His first idea to bring in revenue for WLOY is to have a WLOY Calendar. What do you think of these test shots? What would be a more applicable caption? Jerseylicious or The Situation? Comment below with your vote!
To book Isaac for your next event, please contact us.
Posted in DJ Spotlight | 3 Comments »
FAC Attack Tonight!
September 3rd, 2010 by The Professor
Want FREE Ramshead Live tickets? How’s that for a great way to start the year?! Catch WLOY live at the FAC tonight 9:30-11:30 and demand your free tickets! We’ve got tickets to great shows and you can go for FREE!!! Be at the FAC Attack TONIGHT!!!!!
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WELCOME BACK – We’ve Got Your FREE Tickets!!!
September 3rd, 2010 by The Professor

Yes, it’s that time of year again. You have to leave the safety of your parents and come back to the world of college (oops, we mean University). We know it can be a dark and scary place so WLOY wants to help. Would a pile of FREE tickets to great shows at Ramshead Live! help? We thought so! We love you so much we’ve got a huge pile of FREE tickets for you. College should be fun, WLOY can help. How about going to any of these 14 shows for free? Read the rest of this entry »
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Additions to Loyola Dining!
September 3rd, 2010 by WLOY Staff
Over the summer many changes were made to the dining areas throughout the Evergreen campus. Newman Towers offers a second Il Piatto location to satiate your desire for delicious Italian cuisine, as well as the newly improved Newman Market. Opening Friday, September 3, the new Newman Market will be an upscale convenience store providing not only made-to-order foods but grocery items and cosmetics as well. From 12 gelato flavors prepared fresh daily to delicious crepes this market will be just what you are looking for. Read the rest of this entry »
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Find the Van Win Tickets!
September 3rd, 2010 by The Professor
Here’s a new contest for you… WLOY just refreshed the graphics on our station van, making it even easier to find! Want to win free tickets to shows? All you have to do is find us at an event and be the first one to spot the van. Tell us “I saw the van and I want my tickets”. If you’re the first one at our event, you win the tickets! We’ve got a ton of free tickets and we’re doing a dozen events in the next 10 days, so GOOD LUCK!
Posted in Events, News, Tickets | 1 Comment »
DJ’s Wanted
September 1st, 2010 by WLOY Staff

Looking for a way to get involved in something awesome at Loyola? Interested in music? Always wanted to hear your voice on the airwaves? Well, here’s your chance! WLOY is looking for DJ’s to host their own shows in the fall! If you’re interested in becoming a part of the WLOY team, come to our open houses on September 7th – 9th at 7 – 9pm in Bellarmine Hall (by the new Iggy’s Market). Can’t make it to one of the open houses? You can also e-mail wfpotter@loyola.edu with a short bio telling us how great you are, the type of music your show will highlight and a sample playlist for your show.
Posted in DJ Spotlight, News | 3 Comments »
Listen / Watch WLOY Now on CH 35
September 1st, 2010 by WLOY Staff
NOTE: This announcement only applies to Loyola students living on the Evergreen campus. This does NOT apply to people living in the Baltimore area.
If you haven’t noticed already, the TV channels in your dorm room have changed! There have been a bunch of great new additions made to the channel lineup over the summer, however you need a TV with a digital tuner to see all of them.
We have moved from Channel 50 to Channel 35. Some of you are wondering, why does a radio station have a TV channel? The answer is BECAUSE WE CAN! You can tune into WLOY on your TV and watch the pretty picture slideshow on your screen. You can also listen to us as the music bed to the new channel guide on Channel 3.
More information about the TV upgrades on campus can be found at Technology Services.
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Fitz and The Tantrums
August 31st, 2010 by WLOY Staff
For some bands, it takes a lifetime to build this success, but few performers deliver an unrestrained blast of soul-clapping, get-down-on-the-floor, moneymaker shakers like Fitz and the Tantrums. Fitz and the Tantrums have resurrected a sound that’s been dormant for decades: the blues of a 1970’s love affair. It all started with a neglected vintage organ, and since then they’ve been keepin’ it real like it’s 1969. The organ became a driving force for the front man, Fitz, and helped him to find his voice. When his ex-girlfriend called him about the old organ, he knew exactly what to write about. It inspired him to compose the breakup song, “Pickin’ Up the Pieces,” which is also the title of the album.
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