Honfest 2014: The WLOY Stage

May 29th, 2014 by The Professor

WLOY Stage 2014

Click the image to get the full lineup for the 2014 Honfest WLOY Stage, located at 36th & Chestnut in Hampden. Join us June 14th & 15th as we present an amazing selection of talented regional acts that you need to hear! It’s free and we’ll be giving away cool stuff all day long.

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Honfest Spotlight: David Glaser

May 29th, 2014 by The Professor

David Glaser Now here’s a man who’s been in the music game for quite some time. David Glaser is an award winning songwriter and instrumentalist and has been recording and playing live music since the 70’s, either as a solo artist, a band member, or a sideman. He is well versed in the guitar, mandolin, and harmonious singing skills. David’s singing style is recognized as being very lush and evocative. David has performed on the main stage for many festivals, such as the prestigious Kerrville Folk Festival in Kerrville, TX and the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival in Hillsdale, NY. WLOY is really blessed to have a well-accomplished artist perform at our stage on June 15th for HONfest 2014. To learn more about David and listen to his music, go check out his website: http://www.davidglaser.com/David_Glaser/Home.html

Check out the full lineup and schedule for the 2014 WLOY Stage at Honfest HERE.

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Honfest Spotlight: Janice B

May 26th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

Janice B. Defying genres and transcending the standard music industry labels, songwriter & singer Janice B. has created her own style which she calls “Eclectic Soul”. Whether it’s R & B, jazz, blues, rock, country, or house music it is soulful. There is feeling and depth of emotion at the core of all of her songs that everyone can relate to. “Music is the one thing that connects all of us and I want to be a part of bringing people together through song and lyrics,” says Janice. A chance meeting on MySpace with producer MoRece of Stinkiface Music and their songwriting work together resulted in Janice being the first singer signed to the Stinkiface label. Currently working on her 3rd CD with MoRece, Janice continues her songwriting journey collaborating with many talented artists. She is working with International DJ/Producer N’Dinga Gaba on several house music tracks. Their song “Feeling Fine” gained worldwide attention in 2013 when it charted in the top ten on the Traxsource Soulful House chart. Janice also writes and performs with singer/songwriter QueenEarth and their duo Queen B.

Check out the full lineup and schedule for the 2014 WLOY Stage at Honfest HERE.

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Honfest Spotlight: Sahffi

May 22nd, 2014 by WLOY Staff

Unknown Sahffi is an internationally renowned performer who describes herself as a “neo-alternative folk artist”. She combines jazz, blues, folk and classical music to create a sound that is entirely her own. Some have compared her to a combination of Joni Mitchell, Tori Amos and Fiona Apple. What’s there not to love. When Sahffi isn’t performing solo, she is performing as the duo goatFISH. The two have performed at festivals all over the country for acts such as Preach Freedom and Carbon Leaf. Sahffi is an internationally acknowledged artists. In fact, she had a # 1 hit, “Summer Breeze” in South Africa in 2010.She is an incredibly talented musician and has performed for WLOY before. In fact, WLOY is lucky enough to welcome her to our stage at Honfest this summer. She will be our first performer on June. 14th at 11:00 am. Be sure to come out and enjoy some fantastic music courtesy of Sahffi. We’ll see you there! Be sure to check our her website: http://www.sahffi.com/

Check out the full lineup and schedule for the 2014 WLOY Stage at Honfest HERE.

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Honfest Spotlight: Television Hill

May 20th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

Unknown-2 Television Hill is a nationally respected, folk rock band from here in Baltimore. Their lyrics combine American folklore and mythology to create a nuanced and distinctly American sound. Wire Magazine said that they are “boldly distinguishable from the mass of Americana out there”. Television Hill recently released a new album in 2014 entitled “Another Naked Hour” which fans of folk music should be sure to check out. Television Hill will be performing at Honfest on June 14th on WLOY’s stage in front of the Charmery. Everyone is invited and everyone should come! Check out Television Hill and their music on their website: http://www.televisionhill.com/.

Check out the full lineup and schedule for the 2014 WLOY Stage at Honfest HERE.

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Chthonic Interview

May 19th, 2014 by The Professor

Chthonic WLOY’s latest sensation Matt Weitzel ’17 (of It’s a Hard Rock Life) sat down with Freddy from Taiwan’s Chthonic for a chat before their show at the Ottobar during Paganfest on April 26. Listen in as Matt handles his very first band interview like a seasoned pro!


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Honfest Spotlight: Swampcandy

May 17th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

swampcandy If you like the blues, soul and the dirty South, you’re sure to like Maryland’s own Swampcandy. Swampcandy specializes in doling out old-fashioned, aggressive Mississippi style blues that can really get a crowd going. They have performed both nationally and internationally including a full length tour of the UK! Swampcandy consists of two members, Ruben and Joey. Ruben sings while Joey shreds on the upright base. Joey has gotten so enthusiastic while playing the upright base, that he now brings with him a portable fan to keep him cool during performances! Swampcandy will be returning to Baltimore this summer to perform at WLOY’s Honfest on June 14th. Be sure to come out and rock out with them, Mississippi style! Listen to their music on their website: http://www.swampcandy.com/

Check out the full lineup and schedule for the 2014 WLOY Stage at Honfest HERE.

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Honfest Spotlight: Eliza Doering and The Penny Black

May 16th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

Unknown-1 Eliza Doering and the Penny Black are a local Baltimore band. They are a four piece alternative rock group and were actually  kind enough to perform for WLOY earlier this year. In fact, two of the four members of The Penny Black are brother and sister! They perform their won songs and combine various genres to create a sound that is distinctly “The Penny Black”. They’ve performed all around the country and will be performing in Baltimore at Honfest this summer! Come to WLOY’s stage on June 14th to see them perform. Also, be sure to check out their website at http://elizadoering.com/

Check out the full lineup and schedule for the 2014 WLOY Stage at Honfest HERE.

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Honfest Spotlight: Mike McMonagle

May 13th, 2014 by WLOY Staff

Unknown-3 Mike McMonagle is a folk singer-songwriter from Lancaster, PA. He says that he is inspired by “trains, wine and Virginia”. His songs combine heartfelt and truthful lyrics with straight forward, solid guitar chords. Fly Magazine described him as “…armed with a formidable mustache and a penchant for honest, rousing folk songs, [McMonagle] sounds like the Avett Brothers, minus Rick Rubin, plus Bob Dylan, plus a dirty bandana.” It doesn’t get much better than that. Bob Dylan, Avett Brothers AND a dirty bandana! What more could you ask for! Mike McMonagle will be gracing Baltimore with his presence on June. 14th at WLOY’s stage during Honfest. If you want to learn more about Mike McMonagle, go to his website at: http://www.reverbnation.com/mikemcmonagle.

Check out the full lineup and schedule for the 2014 WLOY Stage at Honfest HERE.

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Wendel Patrick Interview

May 3rd, 2014 by WLOY Staff

30100334 Kat and I had the pleasure of sitting down with Wendel Patrick in April 3rd, 2014, just before his album release party at The Windup Space! He talked us through his new albums as well as talking about his life growing up. You’d never believe who his first crush was! And the story to match it will make you melt into a puddle… or at least it made Kat and I melt.


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