Mobile Listening and WLOY

July 24th, 2017 by The Professor

A lot of people ask how they can listen to WLOY with the least clicks. Downloading a mobile app is by far the easiest one and our new RadioFX app is the best solution going. Not only do you get to listen to our great stream, but there is a DJ chat function, our show schedules are there with an easy scroll and search, DJ bios, Polls, all our social media, and more! Bonus: IT’S FREE. If, for some reason, you don’t want to install this amazing app (which includes access to other college radio stations from around the country – not that you need them, we’re just saying they’re there as an extra) there are 2 others that offer great sounds from us.

RADIOFX for iOS users or for Android users
Includes DJ chat, social media, program schedule and more, no ads


TUNEIN Radio for iOS users or for Android users
Just listening, no station interaction, commercials added by app (not US!)

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