Explore Baltimore

Wacky Wednesday: Baltimore Clayworks

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010 by WLOY Staff

Ready to get your hands dirty?

With a variety of programs involving hands-on classes, short workshops, lectures and gallery talks, Baltimore Clayworks provides us with very intimate and enhanced access to the world of ceramic art.

Clayworks also offers informal educational programs during open studio time, where individuals can work with artists, students, and interns as well as gaining inspiration from the works of residents and national artists alike. You can also check out the exhibits on display in support of local artists. Children, families, friends, all are welcome to a good time here.


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Tourism Tuesday: Top of the World Observation Level

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010 by WLOY Staff

It’s always a good thing to explore the individual parts of a city, but sometimes its best to just stand back and view the city as a whole. The Top of the World Observation Level on the 27th floor of the World Trade Center in the Inner Harbor allows us all this exhilarating experience.


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Museum Monday: “Out of This World”

Monday, December 6th, 2010 by WLOY Staff

With the holiday season around us, there is sure to be a bit more baking going around town. You put so much work into those baked goods, sometimes it feels like you’re making your great and artful masterpiece, don’t you?  While he didn’t bake his art, 20th century artist and baker Eugene Von Bruenchenhein would likely agree.

Baker by trade and self-taught Wisconsin artist, Bruenchenhein made his first paintings on box panels he brought home from the bakery. While not particularly successful during his lifetime, he still produced thousands of paintings, sculptures and photographs. Now, 27 years after his death, the American Visionary Art Museum, along with two other museums, is celebrating the centenary of his Bruenchenhein’s birth by having a solo exhibit of his works.


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Theater Thursday: Single Carrot Theatre

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010 by WLOY Staff

“The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution.” – Paul Cezanne

Are you ready for the revolution? The Single Carrot Theatre works to embrace such concepts of singularity, innovation, and fresh outlooks. Constantly supporting up-and-coming artists, performing diverse and important works, taking new looks on the classics, and enabling a truly unforgettable theater experience, it is no surprise it was ranked “Best Theatre Company” by the City Paper Best of Baltimore 2009.


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Wacky Wednesday: McFadden Art Glass

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010 by WLOY Staff

It’s not everyday you get to make your own glass object. But here in Baltimore, it could be every Saturday. Every Saturday between 3 and 6 PM, McFadden Art Glass, a custom glassblowing studio, offers beginner glassblowing workshops where you get to have hands-on involvement in making your own glass creation.


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Tourism Tuesday: The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010 by WLOY Staff

If you’re ready to get into the holiday spirit, you won’t want to miss the festive programming from Baltimore Symphony Orchestra this December. The Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall has been home to the BSO since it opened in 1982 and once again the Holiday Spectacular will be returning. And this year, it’s Vegas, baby.


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Museum Monday: The Baltimore Museum of Industry

Monday, November 29th, 2010 by WLOY Staff

Do you know what city had the first traffic light? The oldest gas company in America? How about the world’s largest copper refinery? I bet you do. Baltimore! And at the Baltimore Museum of Industry you’ll get the opportunity to see just how proud Baltimore is of its reputation as a “working man’s town.”

Right now, you can “Relive the Industrial Revolution,” putting yourself in the time period and interacting with the industries that propelled Baltimore forward. From printing to garment-making, metalworking to umbrella-manufacturing, you’re sure to be surprised at some of the things Baltimore began. Not to mention many of the transportation artifacts that have been preserved and made their way into history.


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Theater Thursday: Spotlighters Theatre

Thursday, November 25th, 2010 by WLOY Staff

Have you been doing too much reading? Have you been cooped up inside for too long? Lucky for you, the Spotlighters Theatre has the perfect remedy for both! From November 26th through December 19th, the theater will be performing “Stage Blood,” a play within a play (within a play).

In the play, an acting troop perform Hamlet as things backstage begin to mirror the actions of the play. If you aren’t up for the real version of Hamlet, or just want a short but hilarious version of the original, this mix of murder, infidelity, and betrayal is sure to be a great fix.


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Wacky Wednesday: Bingo World

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010 by WLOY Staff

As their website touts, Baltimore is home to Bingo World, the biggest bingo jackpots of the Mid-Atlantic. Every night, $20,000 is given out amongst the winners. Now, that’s a pretty good game of Bingo.

So, why not take a break from all the stress and go play a friendly game of Bingo? Open every day at 10 AM, with at least three official bingo sessions per day, you have the potential to spend just a little and win a lot! That’s not even mentioning the 15-minute intermission filled with a medley of other chances to win.


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Tourism Tuesday: USS Constellation

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010 by WLOY Staff

Thanksgiving is a time for reflection, so why not reflect aboard a ship from the Civil War? Rife with historical importance, stepping aboard the USS Constellation, the last all-sail, wooden warship built by the US Navy, is a great way to discover and explore. And of course, where else is better for reflection than the water?


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