Studio Seizures
Quarantine Takeover Show – Breakforth
Tuesday, May 12th, 2020 by The Professor
This week’s Quarantine Takeover show is hosted by bassist, lead singer and former WLOY DJ Matt Weitzel! Breakforth is a Hard Rock/Post Grunge band with Heavy Metal influences from Baltimore, Maryland. Driving the heart of Breakforth is the chest thumping, gut busting, drum work of Seth Champness Smith. This is complimented by the catchy, yet hard hitting, and unapologetic guitars of Paul Gambichler. Rounding out Breakforth is the rock solid bass grooves and powerful, melodic vocals of Matt Weitzel. The most important thing to us is the music. Our never ending goal is to Breakforth from the norm and bring to the table music that moves people physically and emotionally and lyrics that can inspire others just as our heroes have inspired us. So prepare to jam with one of the hardest rocking bands in the Baltimore music scene. Matt’s going heavy with the show as you can guess, but he’s a pro – currently working at a hard rock FM station here in town that you can find between 97-99 on the dial 🙂 What’s he going to play you ask? That seems like a spoiler so you’ll have to click to see more if you want. Better yet, listen in to find out why he picked these tracks and what’s up with the band! (more…)
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Quarantine Takeover Show – Lockemy
Sunday, May 3rd, 2020 by The Professor
Welcome to the first of our new series of Quarantine Takeover shows! We were inspired by our semi-regular Studio Seizure shows on Monday nights combined with the magic of quarantined lockdown to create something new. While the Studio Seizure normally has an artist or band coming into the station and being interviewed while they select all the music for an hour, it just isn’t practical in a time of social distancing and campus closures. So… we decided to let the artists REALLY take over and send us a complete 1 hour show with their influences, favorite bands, musicians you really should hear and (as a bonus) some of their own music and inspirations. We asked around and we have a lot of great local artists building shows for us now and we may just keep this going long after lockdown is lifted in 2028, or whenever. So, without further ado… our first Quarantine Takeover show will be airing Tuesday at 7pm presented by Lockemy and featuring:
Stone Temple Pilots – Sex Type Thing – Atlantic Records
Silverchair – Point of View – Sony Music
Lockemy – In One Place – Self
Incubus – Dig – Island
Depeche Mode – Precious – A Whole Bunch
Andrew Belle – Dark Matter – Collide
Lockemy – The Fog – Self
Seal – Colour – ZTT Records
Beck – Heart is a Drum – Geffen
Lockemy – Little Things – Self
Mutemath – Equals – Warner Brothers
Young The Giant – Mind Over Matter – Fueled By Ramen
Lockemy – Just Maybe – Self
Lockemy has a smart social media mind and keeps it simple so whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok or Twitter you just search for Lockemyofficial and you’ll find him!
If you missed it, the show is in our archives!
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The Holy Circle Seize The Studio
Monday, July 29th, 2019 by The Professor
This weeks guest on Studio Seizure was The Holy Circle. We had all three members in plus a couple of tiny roadies who helped keep things moving along. With a playlist from Kate Bush to Cherubs, there’s a bit of everything included. The new album Sick With Love just dropped as well and you can catch them Sunday at The Metro Gallery for their album release show. Welcome Terence, Erica and Rob (plus Rob’s spawn) to the studio and definitely check out their fantastic new album! Whether you call it “goth mom rock” or some other odd thing, it’s a great listen with a fantastic blending of ethereal, noise, pop, shoegaze and more. Just trust us and give it a listen!
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Guts Club – Studio Seizure
Wednesday, August 15th, 2018 by The Professor
Joining Emma in the studio right before their show at The Crown is New Orleans-based Guts Club! They’re taking over the studio for an hour to record next week’s Studio Seizure (catch it Monday 7-8pm) and talk about their new album and tour.
While you wait for the show to air, you can catch Guts Club tonight at The Crown along with Romantic States and June Pastel (solo). The full show will be posted up here after it airs on Monday. And here it is!
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Jackie Cohen – Studio Seizure
Monday, July 30th, 2018 by The Professor
Jackie Cohen joins us on July 30th for a “Studio Seizure” to discuss her first EP, “Tacoma Night Terror Part 1: I’ve Got the Blues”. Cohen is an “anti-folk” singer-songwriter from Los Angeles, California who plays with deep poetic lyricism. Listen to our show with her for some of Cohen’s insights on the EP and discussing the music the has made her the musician she is today. Interviewed by Emma, just before their show at Metro Gallery in Baltimore. In case you missed the broadcast, here is the interview/show
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Studio Seizure with The Crowning
Monday, April 16th, 2018 by The Professor
Steph got to spend some time with Stroudsburg, PA’s The Crowning for our most recent Studio Seizure. While they’re a bit heavier than her usual Vineyard Vibes show, she had a great time talking about the band, their tour and influences. Micah (Vocals, Guitar) and Ty (Bass) stopped in after their Baltimore gig and hung out with Steph for over an hour. The show ran long so we have an edited version playing on the air, but you lucky fans can hear the full 70 minutes here [audio:]
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Studio Seizure with Rodney Anonymous!
Monday, June 26th, 2017 by The Professor
Tonight! Rodney Anonymous from the Dead Milkmen, Caustic, Velvet Acid Christ and Burn Witch Burn (the band from which he fired his wife) joins us to recount the tales of touring, Philly history, stage pranks, and more while running down a playlist full of great bands. Can you imagine Rodney performing with Lenny Kaye? Did you know where he got the idea for Bitchin Camaro? So much will be revealed on the next episode of Soap. Oh, sorry, I mean Studio Seizure! Tonight 7-9pm EST only on WLOY! Missed it? Don’t worry it’s archived for you here with other Studio Seizure episodes.
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Sweet Leda Studio Seizure 4/17/17
Monday, April 17th, 2017 by The Professor
This week as a special Easter treat, we get not one, but TWO hours of chatting and spinning time with Jaime and Julie from Sweet Leda. The Professor chatted with the pair (bass & vocals) about what’s in the water in Pasadena, who they love, and just what kind of horror film they scored. They brought some of their (and our) favorite local albums, and talked about the process of recording their own latest piece of vinyl Let It In.
Studio Seizures run every Monday 7-8pm, except this week it’s 7-9pm with 2 special hours of Sweet Leda!
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Studio Seizure: Mongoloidian Glow
Monday, February 20th, 2017 by The Professor
This week we hand the studio over to the ladies of Mongoloidian Glow! Dark and industrial, passionate, sonic and raw, with a sense of playfulness, Baltimore-based, Mongoloidian Glow, known for their explosive live performances, is made up of two women-Annbidextrious, on bass/guitar and Katha (kay-tha) on drums, with both harmonizing on vocals. The sound created by these women is massive as if listening to a five-piece band. Listen in and see what sort of a playlist they’ve got for us. Early indications include polkas, The Smiths, Stone Roses and much more. Hosted this week by Earl Crown from WLOY’s Crucial Cuts.
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