AOTW: Hippo Campus – “Wasteland”

May 8th, 2023 by Liz Kosik

by Anabel Martin Llanusa ’25

Album of the Week: Hippo Campus“Wasteland”

Released: April 2023

Rate: 8/10

RIYL: Vampire Weekend, Ed Sheeran, Vacation Manor, COIN

Hippo Campus is an American indie rock band that recently released its newest album, Wasteland. The tracks on this album provided a light, happy melody and were primarily the reason I enjoyed it so much. Despite most of the lyrics centering around pain and love, the message is still positive and encouraging.

Some of my favorite songs were “Honeysuckle” and “Probably.” The lyrics for “Honeysuckle” are not intensely deep, but the soothing melody of the song enhances a lighter mood. “Probably” reminds me of Ed Sheeran’s, “Happier”. Both pieces have a similar tone and guitar sequence but Hippo Campus diverges with their unique addition of the piano in “Probably.” Also if you enjoy country music, “Kick in the Teeth” is a super cute love song (despite the title lol). There are only five songs on the album, so give this album an easy listen on your way to class!


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