Wacky Wednesday: Lego Castle Adventure
August 26th, 2015 by WLOY Staff
What: Lego Castle Adventure
Where: Port Discovery Children’s Museum
When: Now until Spetember 20th/ 9:30am-4:30pm
Two words: Castles and Legos. If you have little ones or maybe you just love the art of playing with legos, go to The Port Discovery Children’s Museum; they are hosting the Lego Castle Adventure Exhibtion for all ages. Now, this isn’t just an event to look at amazing castles built of legos in awe. No, this is a hands on, interactive event for everyone to build their own castles and a virtual fortress to test to see if it can withstand a battle! Have fun while sneaking through secret passage ways and climbing to the top of your own look out tower! A great way to spend time with family and friends, for info click here!