Wacky Wednesday: Full Moon Yoga

September 16th, 2015 by WLOY Staff

Full moon yoga What: Free Full Moon Yoga

Where: Canton Waterfront Park (3001 Boston St., Baltimore, MD)

When: September 27. 7pm-8:15pm

There is an awesome health fad out in the world right now, Yoga, and I think it is has officially stuck. There is regular yoga, hot yoga, yoga in a park, yoga under an arc with a shark, but how about Full Moon Yoga! Take a chance to decompress and practice yoga under a full moon in the Canton Waterfront Park on September 27. It will be a night with you, glow up bracelets (um fun), yoga mats, a full moon, and a ton of other yoga lovers. Do not be scared away if you are a beginner Pop Up Yoga Baltimore welcomes yoga-goers of all skill levels. Pop Up Yoga Baltimore hosts this event; it is entirely FREE, however donations are appreciated!

If you are interested in other events of a similar nature, Pop Up Yoga Baltimore hosts other yoga events during the day! You can follow them on Instagram @popupyogabaltimore to see some great pictures of them in action. Click here for their Facebook page and say you’re going and pass on this very cool healthy activity!

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