Theatre Thursdays: No Bulls**t Audition Techniques
March 19th, 2015 by WLOY Staff
What: No Bulls**t Audition Techniques
Where: Single Carrot Theatre
When: March 28th//12:00- 5:00 pm
Too many talented actors and actresses never get their big break. That’s why Single Carrot Theatre is here to help! If you’re an aspiring movie star, you’ve auditioned for countless roles, but that perfect role hasn’t come your way, try a session of No Bulls**t Audition Techniques at Single Carrot Theatre! Professional actors and directors will guide you through all the steps and tricks to having perfect audition technique, giving you tips on everything from what to wear, how to stand, and other do’s and don’ts! If you’re interested in the musical component of the auditioning process, Single Carrot Theatre offers one as part of the workshop, too! Don’t miss this opportunity! Your next step to stardom starts right here!