IMG_0435-1Hosts: Molly & Leandra
Thursdays 7pm-8pm

Listen to Molly and Leandra or the Random Awkward Weirdos (RAW) for some good tunes, classic banter and a life changing fact of the week. We’ll be playing a mix of pop rock and obviously some classic oldies! Tune in and join us weekly as we listen to some fabulous music and chat about everything from the freshman struggles to up and coming artists!

Sample Playlist:
1. Little Secrets by Passion Pit
2. Lover of the Light by Mumford and Sons
3. Sunshine by Matisyahu
4. Electric Feel by MGMT
5. Venice by Lighthouse and the Whaler
6. Stubborn Love by The Lumineers
7. Naked in Venice -Radical Something
8. Pompeii by Zach Heckendorf
9. If Only by Dave Mathews Band
10. Float on by Modest Mouse
11. Lion and the Beast the Beat by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
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