Brofessional Radio

Hosts: Amanda & Kate
Don’t worry, d00ds: this show will continue at its regularly scheduled brogramming in the Fall of 2011!

One day in the not-so-far-away past, Kate Marshall and Amanda Nolan had two brotastic radio shows with their best respective brahs. The tunes were poppin’. The commentary was bronomenal. Brodacious times were had by all! Suddenly (it came, like, out of nowhere!), on one not-so-totally-bromazing day, their amigas just left them in the cold. Not cool, bros, not cool. However, the two brotogenic brahs found each other and formed their own show, which then they, like, aptly titled Brofessional Radio.

Disclaimer: Kate and Amanda are not actually bros; they may or may not be very hip. Though their words may appear to show otherwise, they assure their public that this is just a social experiment. Thank you for taking part. No actual bros were harmed in the making of this radio show.

Yo, bro, check out our past show playlists on Radioactivity!

Hey Broseidon, here’s a sample of what tunes we drop on the daily.
Die Die Die – The Avett Brothers
40 Day Dream – Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros
We Used To Wait – Arcade Fire
Undertow – Warpaint
Blood Bank – Bon Iver
Kicking The Heart Out – Rogue Wave
Skeleton – Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Too Dramatic – Ra Ra Riot
Tighten Up – The Black Keys
Our Deal – Best Coast
Casimir Pulaski Day – Sufjan Stevens

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